Drumm Mc Naughton

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Email: ****m@thechangeleader.com
Location: Albuquerque-Santa Fe Metropolitan Area
Current employer:
The Change Leader, Inc.
Current title:
Chair and CEO
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:04 AM
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Drumm Mc Naughton is from Albuquerque-Santa Fe Metropolitan Area. Drumm is currently Chair and CEO at The Change Leader, Inc., located in Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States.

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Drumm Mc Naughton's current jobs
Company: The Change Leader, Inc.
Title: Chair and CEO
Period: Jan 1999 - Present (26 years)
Location: Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States

OVERVIEW ► We are a higher education consulting firm specializing in governance, accreditation, strategic management (strategy, implementation & change management), crisis, transformation, and leadership coaching for the long-term success of their institutions. OUR CONSULTING SERVICES ► TCL's experts help college and university leaders overcome their most critical challenges to grow enrollment, improve accreditation standing, mitigate risk, and build financially sustainable educational institutions. Including; ► Accreditation ► Governance ► Strategic Planning ► Leadership Capacity ► Crisis Recovery ► Change Management ► Distance Education ► Mergers & Alliances ► Positioning & Branding IMPROVING YOUR HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION ► We take only projects that we know are critical to improving your higher education institution, projects that can help transform how you improve your institution, your faculty and employees, and your students. ► Projects such as improving your board and faculty governance. ► Getting you through accreditation (and possibly off sanctions). ► Creating a shared vision for the future through strategic / risk planning and implementation that mitigates resistance to change. ►Coming back from a crisis that requires turnaround expertise and culture change. ► Or building strong leaders across an institution. Things that make a different in peoples’ lives and create better student outcomes. HOLISTIC APPROACH ► Because we see the bigger picture, we can see how your board, your departments, your institution should interact to get you the best possible outcomes. OBJECTIVE & TRUTH-TELLING PERSPECTIVE TO THE PROJECT ► TCL can and will always provide an objective and truth-telling perspective to the project. YOU WORK WITH ONLY EXPERT CONSULTANTS ► We take pride in assigning only experienced, principal consultants to our projects.

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