Duncan Exley

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Location: London, England, United Kingdom
Current employer: Self Employed
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Helping organisations to reach & involve people from a more-representative range of backgrounds.
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:21 AM
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Duncan Exley is from London, England, United Kingdom. Duncan is currently Helping organisations to reach & involve people from a more-representative range of backgrounds. at Self Employed, located in Satellite Beach, Florida, United States.

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Duncan Exley's current jobs
Company: Self Employed
Title: Helping organisations to reach & involve people from a more-representative range of backgrounds.
Period: Jan 2020 - Present (5 years)
Location: Satellite Beach, Florida, United States

Helping organisations access talent & insights of people from non-privileged backgrounds Does your organisation need to reach outside the ‘metropolitan middle-class bubble’ when recruiting and developing its people or when engaging with others? Is your organisation: • Inadvertently preventing talented people from unprivileged backgrounds from joining you, realising their full potential, or feeling confident talking about the insights their background has given them? • Struggling to engage unprivileged people as clients, collaborators or participants? • Vulnerable to accusations of being out of touch? • Unsure how to assess the issue, let alone tackle it? I’m a published expert on social mobility and widening participation. For over 20 years, my career has involved expanding participation, particularly among under-represented groups. I also have experience of working with senior decision makers in private, public and voluntary sectors and with national and local politicians and policymakers Above all, my experience stems from ‘having been there’, as a senior manager, but most of all as someone from a working-class family who has encountered the challenges of working in or with 'middle-class' organisations. I use my experience and expertise to help organisations to unleash the talent and insights of people from non-privileged backgrounds. If you are ready to help your organisation to reach its potential by allowing others to reach theirs, the first step is to send me a message on LinkedIn or at

Duncan Exley's Colleagues
Kourosh Salehi
Construction Consultant- Independent Contractor
Satellite Beach, Florida, United States
Peter Goulding
Supply Chain Consultant
Satellite Beach, Florida, United States
Joseph Yeh 🖤💛🤎
Head of Talent and People, Talent Advisor, Recruiter
Satellite Beach, Florida, United States
Gary Sturtz
Senior Commercial Loan Officer/ Relationship Manager
Satellite Beach, Florida, United States
Guy Efrati
| Technology Advisor |Tech marketing |B2B sales
Satellite Beach, Florida, United States
Duncan Exley has 490K+ colleagues in total at Self Employed. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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