Edgar Mendez

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Email: ****z@kiwico.com
Location: San Francisco Bay Area
Current employer: KiwiCo, Inc.
Current title:
Senior E-Commerce Merchandising & Ops
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:10 AM
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Edgar Mendez is from San Francisco Bay Area. Edgar is currently Senior E-Commerce Merchandising & Ops at KiwiCo, Inc., located in Mountain View, California, United States.

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Edgar Mendez's current jobs
Company: KiwiCo, Inc.
Title: Senior E-Commerce Merchandising & Ops
Period: Jun 2021 - Present (3 years, 7 months)
Location: Mountain View, California, United States

• Managed the merchandising strategy which included: planning out the merchandising calendar, promotions, new product launches, and marketing partnerships. • Introduced new visual merchandising strategies to the site resulting in a conversion increase of 45% in 2021. • Managed site optimization updates including: homepage redesigns, creation of PDPs, and visually merchandising category pages • Collaborated with the dev team to plan out the site improvements including: A/B testing, mapping out new site modules, improving our CMS, and resolving bugs. • Collaborated with the sourcing team to plan and forecast inventory • Launched and manage the KiwiCo brand in the Amazon marketplace channel

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