Eileen Mendel

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Email: ****n@thebalancedmillionaire.com
Location: Carlsbad, California, United States
Current employer:
The Balanced Millionaire
Current title:
CEO and Founder, Executive Management Consultant
Last updated: 06/06/2023 23:05 PM
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Eileen Mendel is from Carlsbad, California, United States. Eileen is currently CEO and Founder, Executive Management Consultant at The Balanced Millionaire.

You can find Eileen Mendel's email at finalscout.com. FinalScout is a professional database with business professional profiles and company profiles.

Eileen Mendel's current jobs
Company: The Balanced Millionaire
Title: CEO and Founder, Executive Management Consultant
Period: Jan 2010 - Present (15 years)

I established The Balanced Millionaire with a passion for reaching out to small to mid-sized businesses with innovative products and services that are socially responsible and impactful--such as advances in healthcare and medicine, new technologies that simplify our lives, and environmental sustainability. As a Business Consultant and Expert in growing businesses, I will guide you to entrepreneurial success! I am the tried and true resource outside of your immediate team, that every successful business needs. It doesn't matter whether you're just starting out, in a rut, or trying to figure out the secret sauce to scale your business to 6 or 7 figures. Many businesses fail within the first 3 years -not because the idea was bad, but because of inexperience. Over the past thirty years, I have seen it all. I have witnessed hard working entrepreneurs risking it all for the American dream. But, in the end, they fall short or lost it all because of unfortunate financial missteps and lack of business knowledge. Mistakes can be costly both in time and money. Throughout my extensive career I have been instrumental in aligning product pipelines, raising capital and venture funding, supporting strategic alliances, & repositioning clients in the marketplace -just for starters. I Support My Clients With Superior One On One Communication and Commitment. I AM the guiding force you want by your side! Let's create new ideas or alternate plans, implement innovative targeted social media marketing, develop positive thought patterns, enhance product development, discuss funding options and more. You will improve quality, productivity, and stand out in the marketplace. Check out my digital business card and website for more details. http://TheBalancedMillionaire.com thebalancedmillionaire.vcardinfo.com

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Eileen Mendel
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