Ellen West Nodwell GISP
Ellen West Nodwell GISP is from United States. Ellen West is currently CEO at IntegraShare Dimensions Incorporated, located in Spring, Texas, United States.
Ellen West Nodwell GISP's email is available on Finalscout.com free of charge. This database has a wealth of information on over half a billion business professionals and two hundred million companies.
Ellen West Nodwell GISP's current jobs
We work with our customers to provide a full range of services and solutions using the ArcGIS Platform plus technology platforms that integrate with ArcGIS in the cloud or on-premise. We deliver an array of work products to our customers: -Planning - developing strategies for using the latest in GIS to transform the use of data and gain value from the data that is created every day in the course of doing work - we help customers increase the value of their data assets. -Data: conversion to GIS consumable data from different source types, database migrations, spatially enabling data, data forensics/troubleshooting, GIS data management, AI, deep-learning, machine learning and visualizations for business intelligence. Data management services. -Data Modeling - enable the use of standardized data models in GIS; model implementations, data mapping and conversion of data into data models, data clean-up, data loading into models from disparate formats of data; development of custom models for maintaining data and integration into business intelligence solutions. -Systems: enterprise systems planning and architecture for GIS integration, conversion to using cloud from on-premise, implementation of GIS systems, administration of GIS systems. -Solutions: customized solutions using GIS interfaces; mobile GIS; workflow solutions that follow a process-management approach; web-site integration with GIS; data sourced from an array of sources including cloud platforms, sensors and other "real-time" data integrated into map views, visualizations, dashboards, and mobile applications. Power BI-ArcGIS integration for visualizations and dashboards is also offered as a solution. What is your "data story"? Can we help? Check us out! Visit us our IntegraShare Dimensions company page on LinkedIn and our website to learn more.