Elliot Hirsch

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Email: ****
Location: Lake Forest, Illinois, United States
Current employer:
Lyric Opera of Chicago
Current title:
Chairman - Innovation Committee, Member of Board of Directors
Last updated: 21/06/2024 10:10 AM
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Elliot Hirsch is from Lake Forest, Illinois, United States. Elliot is currently Chairman - Innovation Committee, Member of Board of Directors at Lyric Opera of Chicago, located in Chicago, Illinois, United States.

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Elliot Hirsch's current jobs
Company: Lyric Opera of Chicago
Title: Chairman - Innovation Committee, Member of Board of Directors
Period: Jun 2017 - Present (7 years, 7 months)
Location: Chicago, Illinois, United States

As Chairman of the Innovation Committee at Lyric Opera, I help facilitate collaboration and momentum generation amongst a talented, accomplished, and passionate team of Board Directors and Lyric Staff. Our focus is to assist the organization's perpetual evolution, as it continues to delight and support lovers and practitioners of our art form for years to come, all around the world. Lyric Opera of Chicago, founded in 1954, is one of the world's greatest opera companies. It is renowned internationally for its artistic excellence and financial strength.

Elliot Hirsch's Colleagues
Eric Hayes
Director, IT Operations
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Brad Dunn
Senior Director of Digital Initiatives
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Paul Gunning
VP and Chief Marketing Officer
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Elke Rehbock
Executive Board Member
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Julie A. Braun, J.D. LL.M.
Attorney and Counsellor of the Supreme Court of the United States
Elliot Hirsch has 445 colleagues in total at Lyric Opera of Chicago. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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