Emil Hashimov

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Email: ****@****.***
Location: Azerbaijan
Current employer: Saipem
Current title:
Marine Logistics Officer
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:16 AM
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Emil Hashimov is from Azerbaijan. Emil is currently Marine Logistics Officer at Saipem, located in San Donato Milanese, Lombardy, Italy.

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Emil Hashimov's current jobs
Company: Saipem
Title: Marine Logistics Officer
Period: Jul 2015 - Present (9 years, 6 months)
Location: San Donato Milanese, Lombardy, Italy

Coordinating the requirements, materials movement accordingly to the schedule for the marine spreads; During onshore preparation, attending sites and carrying out inspections to ensure that all the requirements for material movement have been met; Monitoring and coordinating all phases of the work progress and ensuring deliverables, equipment, facilities and services meet specified requirements; Ensuring that all checklists and other installation records are completed in accordance with the procedures and passed to the relevant Coordinator for compilation

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