Emma Lupano

China media expert. Associate professor, Chinese language at University of Cagliari
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Location: Milan, Lombardy, Italy
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Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:31 AM
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Emma Lupano is from Milan, Lombardy, Italy. Emma works in the following industries: "Higher Education", "Research", "Sports", and "Professional Training & Coaching". Emma is currently undefined at undefined. Emma also works as Associate professor at Cagliari University, Chinese language at Università di Cagliari, a job Emma has held since Oct 2019. Another title Emma currently holds is Fixed-term researcher of Chinese language and culture at Università degli Studi di Milano. In Emma's previous role as a Reporter with the Olympic Information Service at International Olympic Committee, Emma worked in PyeongChang, Korea until Feb 2018. Prior to joining International Olympic Committee, Emma was a Teacher of Chinese language and culture at NIBI - Nuovo Istituto di Business Internazionale and held the position of Teacher of Chinese language and culture at Milano. Prior to that, Emma was a Postdoc fellow - Chinese language and culture at Università degli Studi di Milano, based in Milano from Nov 2014 to Jan 2017. Emma started working as Sport writer with the Olympic News Service at Rio 2016 - Comitê Organizador dos Jogos Olímpicos e Paralímpicos in Rio de Janeiro Area, Brazil in Jul 2016. From May 2016 to May 2016, Emma was Reporter - flash interviews at FIDAL federazione italiana di atletica leggera, based in Rome Area, Italy. Prior to that, Emma was a Reporter with the Youth Information Service (International Olympic Committee) at International Olympic Committee, based in Lillehammer 2016 Youth Olympic Games from Feb 2016 to Feb 2016. Emma started working as Coordinator of the European University Centre at Peking University at Peking University in Beijing City, China in May 2013.

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Emma Lupano's current jobs
Company: Università di Cagliari
Title: Associate professor at Cagliari University, Chinese language
Period: Oct 2019 - Present (5 years, 3 months)
Location: Cagliari Area, Italy
Title: Fixed-term researcher of Chinese language and culture
Period: Jan 2017 - Present (8 years)

Researching on the language of Chinese contemporary media, sports and politics; journalism practices in China; the language and trends of Chinese tourism. Teaching Chinese language and culture at graduate and post-graduate level.

Company: Journalist for Italian and international press, web, radio; news service at major sport events
Title: Journalist: freelance journalist/correspondent; reporter/news service team leader at Olympic Games
Period: Sep 2004 - Present (20 years, 4 months)
Location: Various locations

* Freelance correspondent from China and freelance contributor from Italy for print, radio, video and online media AGI, Il Sole 24 ore, People's Daily Online, Radio della Svizzera Italiana, Radio Montecarlo, Espresso, Qui Touring, Marie Claire, La Provincia di Como, Vanity Fair, Avvenire, Corriere Lavoro, Il Foglio, A, Panorama, That's Beijing, Libero. * Reporter at major international sport events for the International Olympic Committee; for the newswire of the organising committee; for private media companies; as well as for international sport federations Olympic Information Service OIS (PyeongChang 2018); Olympic and Paralympic News Service ONS, PNS (Rio 2016, Beijing 2008, Torino 2006); Youth Olympic Information Service YIS (Lillehammer 2016, Nanjing 2014, Innsbruck 2012); Asian Games News Service AGNS (Guangzhou 2010, Doha 2006); Swimming World Championships (Istanbul 2012, Roma 2009, Manchester 2008, Melbourne 2007); Women's Volleyball World Championships (Italy 2014); European Games News Service (Baku 2015); IAAF Race Walking Team World Championship (Rome 2016) *News Service Team Leader at major international sport events for the newswire of the organising committee (Olympic and Paralympic News Service ONS, PNS) (Sochi 2014, London 2012, Vancouver 2010); European Games News Service (Baku 2015).

Emma Lupano's past jobs
Company: International Olympic Committee
Title: Reporter with the Olympic Information Service
Period: Feb 2018 - Feb 2018
Location: PyeongChang, Korea
Company: NIBI - Nuovo Istituto di Business Internazionale
Title: Teacher of Chinese language and culture
Period: Apr 2016 - Jan 2017 (9 months)
Location: Milano

Member of the Teachers' Record (Albo dei docenti) for the courses organised by NIBI – Promos.

Title: Postdoc fellow - Chinese language and culture
Period: Nov 2014 - Jan 2017 (2 years, 2 months)
Location: Milano

Researching on Chinese media language, the link between official discourse and the media discourse in China; and journalism practice in China. Among the specific projects pursued: a study on Chinese freelance journalists' discursive self-representation under the leadership of China's presidents Hu Jintao and Xi Jinping; an analysis of the genres of Chinese print journalism; a case study on China's media discourse on the terrorist attack to Charlie Hebdo; a case study on the Chinese media discourse on the purchase of FC Internazionale by the Chinese company Suning.

Title: Sport writer with the Olympic News Service
Period: Jul 2016 - Aug 2016 (1 month)
Location: Rio de Janeiro Area, Brazil

Olympic News Service sport writer covering beach volleyball.

Company: FIDAL federazione italiana di atletica leggera
Title: Reporter - flash interviews
Period: May 2016 - May 2016
Location: Rome Area, Italy

Interviewing athletes in the mixed zone at the IAAF Race Walking Team Wolrd Championship Roma 2016 (languages: Italian, Chinese, English, Spanish) and writing flash quotes for the International Association of Athletics Federations website in English and Italian.

Company: International Olympic Committee
Title: Reporter with the Youth Information Service (International Olympic Committee)
Period: Feb 2016 - Feb 2016
Location: Lillehammer 2016 Youth Olympic Games

Reporter with the Youth Information Service (YIS), the group of international journalists created by the International Olympic Committee to cover the Lillehammer 2016 Youth Olympic Games. Pitching, chasing and writing stories on a number of sports in English to be published on the Games website www.lillehammer2016.com. Interviewing athletes in English, Italian, Chinese, Portuguese and Spanish. Supervision of the Young Reporters and coordination with the photographers covering the Games for the IOC.

Company: Peking University
Title: Coordinator of the European University Centre at Peking University
Period: May 2013 - Oct 2014 (1 year, 5 months)
Location: Beijing City, China

Coordination of internationalisation, academic exchange and cooperation activities; coordinator of the course on European Studies for PhD and master's students at Peking University; internal communication and media relations. The European University Centre at Peking University is a consortium of 11 European universities with Peking University which aims at promoting research cooperation and exchanges between European and Chinese academics and research institutions.

Company: International Volleyball Federation
Title: Press delegate (reporter and sub-editor) for the FIVB - Women's Volleyball World Championships
Period: Sep 2014 - Sep 2014
Location: Verona Area, Italy

Writing and editing reports and interviews for the FIVB English-language website and coordinating a small team of reporters and volunteers during the Women's Volleyball World Championship (Italy 2014). Online editing of text and photos

Emma Lupano's education
2008 - 2011
History, Sociology, Politics, Portuguise language
Erasmus programme
2002 - 2002
Università degli Studi di Milano
Master's degree
1997 - 2003
2004 - 2006
Emma Lupano's top skills
Digital Media Magazines Translation English Public Relations Portuguese Social Media New Media Italian Newspapers Journalism Mandarin Writing Sports Editing Press Releases Media Relations
Emma Lupano's Colleagues
Aldo Urru
Direttore Generale
Alessandra Carucci
Full Professor
Matteo Piga
Associate Professor in Rheumatology
Fausto Mistretta
Federico Meloni
Consultant - Occupational Physician
Emma Lupano has 770 colleagues in total at Università di Cagliari. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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