Emma Zhang CFA

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Location: Greater Sydney Area
Current title:
Director, Real Estate Investment
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:46 AM
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Emma Zhang CFA is from Greater Sydney Area. Emma is currently Director, Real Estate Investment at Alceon - Investments, Capital, Advisory, located in Millers Point, New South Wales, Australia.

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Emma Zhang CFA's current jobs
Title: Director, Real Estate Investment
Period: Aug 2021 - Present (3 years, 5 months)
Location: Millers Point, New South Wales, Australia

Alceon is a privately-owned financier and multi-strategy alternative investment manager, with offices in Sydney, Melbourne, Perth and Brisbane. Alceon has invested circa $4 billion of capital for its high net worth, family office and institutional clients across real estate, private equity and listed equity. I am a member of the real estate deal team. We collaborate with property developers and act as their capital partner, as well as provide financial and corporate advice. We are always keen to broaden our relationships and partner capable developers on opportunities underpinned by good property fundamentals. Alceon is capable of offering funding solutions across the entire capital stack ranging from first mortgage senior debt, Mezzanine to preferred equity/equity investment. Our investment portfolio includes residential high-rise projects, residential land sub-division projects, mobile home estates, hotel & leisure assets, retail shopping centres, office developments, light industrial developments. We are open for business.

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