Emmanuel Poirot

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Email: ****t@hotmail.com
Location: Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain
Current title:
Principal Consultant, Regulatory Affairs
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:32 AM
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Emmanuel Poirot is from Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain. Emmanuel is currently Principal Consultant, Regulatory Affairs at ERM: Environmental Resources Management, located in Aldgate, England, United Kingdom. In Emmanuel's previous role as a Visiting Scientist at NIH, Emmanuel worked in until Jan 2002. Prior to joining NIH, Emmanuel was a Research chemist at CSIC and held the position of Research chemist.

You can find Emmanuel Poirot's email at finalscout.com. FinalScout is a professional database with business professional profiles and company profiles.

Emmanuel Poirot's current jobs
Title: Principal Consultant, Regulatory Affairs
Period: May 2020 - Present (4 years, 8 months)
Location: Aldgate, England, United Kingdom
Emmanuel Poirot's past jobs
Company: NIH
Title: Visiting Scientist
Period: Jan 1999 - Jan 2002 (3 years)
Company: CSIC
Title: Research chemist
Period: Jan 1997 - Jan 1999 (2 years)
Emmanuel Poirot's Colleagues
Alexandra Guaqueta
Senior Partner Social Performance and Corporate Sustainability
Aldgate, England, United Kingdom
Ed Struzik
Partner ◆ Supply Chain Product Stewardship ◆ Improving Supply Chain Sustainability
Aldgate, England, United Kingdom
Tom Reichert
Chief Executive Officer
Aldgate, England, United Kingdom
Lee Clarke
Aldgate, England, United Kingdom
Mark Errington
Chief Executive Officer Asia Pacific
Emmanuel Poirot has 6.5K+ colleagues in total at ERM: Environmental Resources Management. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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