Emmy Voltman

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Email: ****n@globalprojects.nl
Location: Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
Current employer:
Global Projects - Self-employed
Current title:
Owner / Consultancy
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:00 AM
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Emmy Voltman is from Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands. Emmy is currently Owner / Consultancy at Global Projects - Self-employed, located in Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands.

Emmy Voltman's contact information is available for free on finalscout.com, a web-based professional networking database with more than 500 million business contacts and 200 million company profiles.

Emmy Voltman's current jobs
Company: Global Projects - Self-employed
Title: Owner / Consultancy
Period: Oct 2004 - Present (20 years, 3 months)
Location: Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands

Global Projects combines a background in journalism + 17 years experience working as a business developer, project manager and partnership / institutional funding professional in The Netherlands, Africa and other emerging markets. Work(ed) on a variety of projects within (Social) Entrepreneurship, ICT4D, Education, Agriculture, Woman & Youth projects, Renewable Energy and Circular Economy. Set-up and co-management of social projects & companies in East Africa (Tanzania, Kenya) and West Africa (Ghana and Senegal). Experienced in business development, project development and management, institutional fundraising, marketing & communication, research, coaching, arranging access to capital/investments and setting up and managing strategic partnerships for companies, NGO's, SMEs and start-ups. www.globalprojects.nl

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