Eric Le Ker

CEO | Chief Commercial Officer | Retail and Corporate Banking | Fintech | Transformation | Digital | Payments | Advice | Transition Management
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LinkedIn: Eric LE KER
Location: Greater Paris Metropolitan Region
Current employer:
LK Conseil
Current title:
CEO | Founder | Services & consultancy for companies
Last updated: 09/11/2023 15:16 PM
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Eric Le Ker is from Greater Paris Metropolitan Region. Eric Le is currently CEO | Founder | Services & consultancy for companies at LK Conseil, located in Île-de-France, France. Eric Le also works as Chief Commercial Officer - Retail & Corporate Banking - Member of the Executive Commitee at Bank & Financial Services, a job Eric Le has held since Oct 2012. In Eric Le's previous role as a Joint CEO at IZICAP, Eric Le worked in Région de Paris, France until Jul 2023. Prior to joining IZICAP, Eric Le was a Deputy Commercial Director | Retail & Corporate Banking | Management of strategic projects at Banque Populaire Rives de Paris and held the position of Deputy Commercial Director | Retail & Corporate Banking | Management of strategic projects at Paris, France - 2,600 employees - Net banking income of € 530 million €. Prior to that, Eric Le was a Chief Commercial Officer | Retail & Corporate Commercial Banking | Transformation Project Management at Banque Populaire Bourgogne Franche-Comté (BPBFC), based in Bourgogne-Franche-Comté (France) - 1,800 employees - Net banking income of € 365 million € from Oct 2012 to Sep 2017. Eric Le started working as Administrateur délégué at BP Développement in Paris in Sep 2014. From Jan 2007 to Jan 2012, Eric Le was Directeur Régional | Banque mutualiste de réseau | Business Développement at BRED, based in Région de Paris, France. Prior to that, Eric Le was a Responsable Engagements et Risques at BRED, based in Région de Meaux, France from Jan 2005 to Jan 2007. Eric Le started working as Directeur de Centre d’Affaires at BRED in Guadeloupe & Iles du Nord in Jan 2001.

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Eric Le Ker's current jobs
Company: LK Conseil
Title: CEO | Founder | Services & consultancy for companies
Period: Jul 2019 - Present (5 years, 6 months)
Location: Île-de-France, France

I support companies in the design and success of their development projects. Preferred sectors: Banking, Fintech, SaaS, consulting companies. Skills: strategy, management, organization, partnerships, transformation, digital, change management.

Company: Bank & Financial Services
Title: Chief Commercial Officer - Retail & Corporate Banking - Member of the Executive Commitee
Period: Oct 2012 - Present (12 years, 3 months)
Location: Paris & Ile de France, France

As CCO, my role is to anticipate changes in the environment, to design the right strategies to respond to them and to manage the necessary structural transformations, all the while taking care to develop customer centricity and ensuring high-level commercial and financial performance

Eric Le Ker's past jobs
Company: IZICAP
Title: Joint CEO
Period: Aug 2019 - Jul 2023 (3 years, 11 months)
Location: Région de Paris, France

Izicap provides Acquirers with a unique and innovative white label digital marketing solution, which turns payment cards into loyalty cards for cardholders, and payment terminals into powerful marketing devices for SMBs. From capturing and analysing payment card data, through to dashboard insights and targeted digital campaigns, Izicap provides Acquirer’s merchants with a complete set of tools and unique expertise that have been proven to automatically increase the end-customer loyalty and spend. The Izicap solution allows Acquirers to differentiate themselves from their competitors, yield additional income, and build closer ties with their merchants. Adopting the Izicap solution is quick and simple. There’s no need for merchants to change any hardware or software; every aspect of onboarding is looked after by our knowledgeable implementation team. https://www.izicap.com/

Company: Banque Populaire Rives de Paris
Title: Deputy Commercial Director | Retail & Corporate Banking | Management of strategic projects
Period: Oct 2017 - Jan 2019 (1 year, 3 months)
Location: Paris, France - 2,600 employees - Net banking income of € 530 million €

In charge of the Bank's Corporate & Institutional business activity. Definition and management of strategic and innovation projects. Results obtained: - Significant improvement in commercial and financial performance: +11% of new relationships, +5% growth of the business, +16% of commercial flows, +11% of commissions. - Finalization and implementation of the logical and physical reorganization of the management and networks in early 2019. - Complete dematerialization of the credit process. - Gain of 24 Pts of NPS (net promoter score), BPRI becomes the best Populaire Populaire in terms of customer preference. - Delivery of all strategic projects under responsibility. - Launching of a sector dedicated to the support of innovative companies.

Company: Banque Populaire Bourgogne Franche-Comté (BPBFC)
Title: Chief Commercial Officer | Retail & Corporate Commercial Banking | Transformation Project Management
Period: Oct 2012 - Sep 2017 (4 years, 11 months)
Location: Bourgogne-Franche-Comté (France) - 1,800 employees - Net banking income of € 365 million €

In charge of all commercial activities of the Bank. Member of the Executive Committee. Results obtained: - The Bank's commercial and financial performance increased significantly over the period: +10% growth in business assets, 20% growth in outstanding resources and loans, +14% in NBI and +25% in commissions over the period. - The Bank obtained the best operating ratio of the 12 Banques Populaires (59%). - Finalization and implementation of numerous projects: new generation branches, network overhaul, omnichannel distribution, CRM overhaul, creation of a corporate interview on tablet, digital passport for all...

Company: BP Développement
Title: Administrateur délégué
Period: Sep 2014 - Aug 2017 (2 years, 11 months)
Location: Paris

Délégué par BPBFC

Company: BRED
Title: Directeur Régional | Banque mutualiste de réseau | Business Développement
Period: Jan 2007 - Jan 2012 (5 years)
Location: Région de Paris, France

Pilotage du dispositif commercial de proximité de la région Paris-Est. 200 collaborateurs, 37 agences, 1 centre d'affaires Entreprises, 1 Agence Banque Privée. - Assurer un développement commercial pérenne et dans les meilleures condition de rentabilité et de satisfaction clientèle. - Accompagner les 200 collaborateurs de la région, identifier et promouvoir les talents. - Représenter la Banque sur le territoire auprès des instances et des grands clients.

Company: BRED
Title: Responsable Engagements et Risques
Period: Jan 2005 - Jan 2007 (2 years)
Location: Région de Meaux, France

- Appui aux collaborateurs de la région pour financer les projets de leurs clients. - Décision des principaux dossier de la région retail et corporate. - Suivi et surveillance des risques de crédit. - Création du COR (Comité d'Orientation Risques) en Seine et Marne.

Company: BRED
Title: Directeur de Centre d’Affaires
Period: Jan 2001 - Jan 2005 (4 years)
Location: Guadeloupe & Iles du Nord

- Renforcer la dynamique de développement de la BRED BP sur le territoire. - Concevoir et mettre en oeuvre une stratégie dédiée aux implantations locales des Grandes Entreprises et Institutionnels. - Représenter la Banque auprès des grands acteurs Corporate du territoire. - accompagner la progression et l’évolution des collaborateurs.

Company: BRED
Title: Responsable Commercial Grandes Entreprises
Period: Jan 1999 - Jan 2001 (2 years)
Location: Région de Paris, France

- Développer et rentabiliser un portefeuille d'ETI et Grandes Entreprises. - Concevoir des offres originales dédiées à ces clientèles, et alimenter la Banque en problématiques nouvelles. - Une réalisation majeure : conception de l'offre e.cautions, dédiée aux majors du BTP professionnels de la construction de routes.

Company: BRED
Title: Responsable Commercial PME
Period: Jan 1994 - Jan 1999 (5 years)
Location: Cincennes (Val de Marne)

- Développer et rentabiliser un portefeuille de 80 PME. - Commercialiser l'ensemble de la gamme dans les meilleures conditions de rentabilité, satisfaction clients et de sécurité.

Company: BRED
Title: Responsable de Clientèle Particuliers et Professionnels
Period: Jan 1992 - Jan 1994 (2 years)
Location: Créteil et Charenton le Pont (Val de Marne).

- Gestion et développement d'un portefeuille de clients particuliers. - Commercialiser l'ensemble de la gamme dans les meilleurs conditions de rentabilité, satisfaction clients et gestion des risques.

Title: Volontaire du Service National Actif (VSNA)
Period: Jan 1990 - Jan 1992 (2 years)
Location: Maputo (Mozambique)
Eric Le Ker's education
Parcours Dirigeant Groupe BPCE
EXECUTIVE AMP 1 (Advanced Management Programm).
2011 - 2012
CFPB - L’Ecole supérieure de la banque
1998 - 1999
Université Côte d'Azur
Master 2 (M2)
1984 - 1989
Eric Le Ker's top skills
Analyse financière Gestion de projet Credit Risk Crédit Gestion des ventes Stratégie marketing Commercial Banking Ressources humaines Développement commercial Business Stratégie commerciale Marketing Banque Business-to-Business (BtoB) Change Management Stratégie Finance Banking Banque de détail Management stratégique.
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