Erica Shoemaker

Owner/Designer at Blue Lotus Yogawear
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LinkedIn: Erica Shoemaker
Location: Moorpark, California, United States
Current employer:
Blue Lotus Yogawear
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Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:25 AM
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Erica Shoemaker is from Moorpark, California, United States. Erica works in the following industries: "Apparel & Fashion". Erica is currently Owner/Designer at Blue Lotus Yogawear. In Erica's previous role as a Owner: Freelance patternmaking, marking, grading and production management services at NuTech Apparel Services, Erica worked in Moorpark, CA until Mar 2013.

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Erica Shoemaker's current jobs
Company: Blue Lotus Yogawear
Title: Owner/Designer
Period: Mar 2012 - Present (12 years, 9 months)
Erica Shoemaker's past jobs
Company: NuTech Apparel Services
Title: Owner: Freelance patternmaking, marking, grading and production management services
Period: Sep 1997 - Mar 2013 (15 years, 6 months)
Location: Moorpark, CA

Provided freelance design development and production services to the apparel industry.

Erica Shoemaker's education
California State University-Northridge
1977 - 1981
LA Trade Tech College
Associate of Arts (A.A.)
1977 - 1979
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