Erika Kelleher

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Email: ****r@beehive3d.com
Location: Washington DC-Baltimore Area
Current employer:
H2 Clipper, Inc.
Current title:
Talent Acquisition Advisor
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:20 AM
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Erika Kelleher is from Washington DC-Baltimore Area. Erika is currently Talent Acquisition Advisor at H2 Clipper, Inc., located in Santa Barbara, California, United States. Erika also works as Owner at Executive Recruiting Group, a job Erika has held since Jun 2012.

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Erika Kelleher's current jobs
Company: H2 Clipper, Inc.
Title: Talent Acquisition Advisor
Period: Feb 2021 - Present (3 years, 11 months)
Location: Santa Barbara, California, United States
Company: Executive Recruiting Group
Title: Owner
Period: Jun 2012 - Present (12 years, 7 months)
Location: Baltimore, Maryland, United States

ERG is a Woman-Owned, boutique firm specializing in executive search, recruiting and placement across a multitude of industries. Our professionals average more than twenty years’ experience in staffing, recruiting and executive search and are committed to leveraging these skills to address all of your staffing and hiring needs. Consulting projects: Boom Supersonic, Recruiting Consultant, 1/2019-Present •. Identify and recruiting top talent through various recruiting and sourcing tools. •. Developed and maintain relationships with hiring Leads and Managers in various departments for their recruiting needs. • Review resumes and screen candidates on job qualifications, salary, relocation and work authorization. Zunum Aero- Chief Talent Officer Consultant, 2/2018-4/2019 • Developed and implemented a talent acquisition roadmap to build and motivate a growing start-up company. • Responsible for all recruiting functions in a rapidly growing company operating in stealth mode. • Collaborate with hiring managers to perform full lifecycle recruiting including; sourcing, screening, interviewing, submitting, coordinating/scheduling interviews and negotiating offers. • Identify top candidates through various recruiting and sourcing tools. Honda Aircraft Company , Lead Engineering Recruiter Consultant, 7/2012-3/2016 • Served as SME on all facets of the engineering and flight test recruiting processes. • Established relationships with hiring managers and senior leaders and developed an in-depth understanding of their recruiting needs. • Developed strong working knowledge of Taleo, keeping track of candidates, posting jobs and sourcing candidates. • Coordinated and provided updates on all recruitment activities to Managers/ Directors/VP’s including candidate status and offer updates. • Identified and recruited new applicants through existing and new sources, referrals and job boards as needed to maintain qualified pool of candidates.

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