Erin Sudmalis MHA CAS

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Location: Denver Metropolitan Area
Current employer: Bear Paw Painters
Current title:
Chief Executive Officer
Last updated: 16/04/2024 14:29 PM
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Erin Sudmalis MHA CAS is from Denver Metropolitan Area. Erin is currently Chief Executive Officer at Bear Paw Painters, located in Evergreen, Colorado, United States.

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Erin Sudmalis MHA CAS's current jobs
Title: Chief Executive Officer
Period: Jan 2016 - Present (9 years)
Location: Evergreen, Colorado, United States

Hold full accountability and oversight for daily operations of the company’s on-site painting services while managing a workforce with customer service and front-line responsibilities. Set in motion plans to optimize sales and marketing campaign goals by ensuring the proper blend of operational controls, policies, sales/service protocols, personnel, and reporting mechanisms are in place to fuel growth. Manage operational budgets for effective stewardship of resources and the achievement of the business strategy. Actively review customer feedback to roll consumer insights and trends into actionable plans that drive increased profit, competitiveness, and brand visibility. Evolve the company’s tone, voice, and brand across all platforms (Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter) by creating innovative social media, digital, and print advertising collateral. Maintain a constant pulse on sales, operational, and customer service functions by conducting site audits to ensure adherence to brand standards and quality customer experience. Structure an annual business plan that defines a long-term strategy to include sales forecasts, operational goals, continuous improvement, and financial projections. Pilot new technologies to better manage controllable expenses focusing on labor, supply costs, project profit margins, and other operating expenses. Create lines of sight between all operational areas to assess needs, allocate resources, deliver on sales goals, develop high-performing teams, and champion the customer/guest experience. Conduct work area audits, business reviews, and inspections to identify strengths and areas that need improvement across all operations.

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