Evangeline Arroyo 1st A

I help Amazon Sellers increase their sales trough effectively relevant keywords research and Customer Service is my major.
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Current employer: Amazon Business
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Amazon Seller VA
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:22 AM
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Evangeline Arroyo 1st works in the following industries: "E-learning", "Business Supplies & Equipment", and "Transportation/Trucking/Railroad". Evangeline Arroyo 1st is currently Amazon Seller VA at Amazon Business . In Evangeline Arroyo 1st's previous role as a School Bus Supervisor at Emirates Transport, Evangeline Arroyo 1st worked in Al Shahama Abudhabi UAE until Jan 2021. Prior to joining Emirates Transport, Evangeline Arroyo 1st was a Sales Representative at Forty Fruity and held the position of Sales Representative at Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.

Evangeline Arroyo 1st A's email is available on Finalscout.com free of charge. This database has a wealth of information on over half a billion business professionals and two hundred million companies.

Evangeline Arroyo 1st A's current jobs
Title: Amazon Seller VA
Period: Jan 2021 - Present (4 years)
Evangeline Arroyo 1st A's past jobs
Title: School Bus Supervisor
Period: Sep 2017 - Jan 2021 (3 years, 4 months)
Location: Al Shahama Abudhabi UAE

AREAS OF MY RESPONSIBILITY Provides genuine hospitality and teamwork on an going basis. Give assistant to the teacher at the school for office work, documents photocopying, printing. Monitoring and recording pupil activitieS.

Company: Forty Fruity
Title: Sales Representative
Period: Jul 2014 - Aug 2017 (3 years, 1 month)
Location: Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

AREAS OF MY RESPONSIBILITY - Working as part of the sales team to develop both new and existing markets. - Involved in developing sales & pricing strategies. - Constantly developing existing sales process which will generate sustainable growth. - Identifying the customer's needs, for their satisfaction.

Evangeline Arroyo 1st A's education
Zamora Memorial College - Bacacay, Albay
Evangeline Arroyo 1st A's top skills
Business-to-Business (B2B) New Business Development Management Communication Business Planning Business Relationship Management Leadership Training Marketing Business Analysis Microsoft Excel Problem Solving Business Development Business Process Business Strategy Customer Service Business Sales Strategy Research
Evangeline Arroyo 1st A's Colleagues
Michelle Cuellar
Global Marketing Manager
Seattle, Washington, United States
Sid Roy
B2B Product Management
Seattle, Washington, United States
Jerica Pola Agawin
Project Manager - Business Operations
Seattle, Washington, United States
David Held
Head of Audience Marketing
Seattle, Washington, United States
Zak Kanter
Marketing Manager - Incentives and Acqusition
Seattle, Washington, United States
Evangeline Arroyo 1st A has 3.5K+ colleagues in total at Amazon Business . You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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