Fabio B
Fabio B is from Milano, Lombardia, Italia. Fabio works in the following industries: "Higher Education", "Education Management", "Military", and "Logistics & Supply Chain". Fabio is currently Interim Operations Manager at Amazon Logistics, located in Milano, Lombardia, Italia. In Fabio's previous role as a Executive MBA at SDA Bocconi, Fabio worked in Milan Area, Italy until Jun 2021. Prior to joining SDA Bocconi, Fabio was a Area Manager at Amazon Logistics and held the position of Area Manager at Milan Area, Italy. Prior to that, Fabio was a Operations Manager at Marina Militare, based in La Spezia, Italia from Mar 2012 to Mar 2019. Fabio started working as Intelligence Manager at European Union Naval Force in Somalia - Rome in Jun 2017. From Jul 2015 to Jan 2016, Fabio was Intelligence Collection Manager at European Naval Force in Mediterranean, based in Rome. Prior to that, Fabio was a Project Manager at Marina Militare, based in La Spezia, Italia from Oct 2014 to Jul 2015. Fabio started working as Cadet at Accademia Navale in Livorno, Toscana, Italia in Sep 2006.
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Fabio B's current jobs
Fabio B's past jobs
Area Manager BRANCH: OPERATIONS | LOGISTICS Responsible for leading a team of Shift Managers, Operations Supervisors, Operations Assistants and Delivery Service Providers with direct reporting to the Delivery Station Manager: • Managing of external agency relationships; • Responsible to oversee operations and last mile delivery; • Responsible on meeting KPIs such as delivery on time, first time delivery success and enhancing customer service.
BRANCH: OPERATIONS | Information&Technology - FREMM/HORIZONT Class With the rank of sub-lieutenant and Lieutenant, management of managers and their teams with direct reporting to the head of operations: • Organization of the education, training and assessment of highly specialized work teams; • When on duty, responsible of all working processes, all personnel (about 200 people) and all equipment (about € 7 Bn) with direct reporting to CEO (Ship's CO). Objectives achieved: Successful planning and execution of all operations and training exercises. Constantly provided high departments’ combat readiness. Received multiple commendations for leadership and decision-making skills as leader of operations team.
BRANCH: INTELLIGENCE Management of international team with direct reporting to the Chief of Staff: • Responsible for the planning of search resources and information acquisition operations deemed vital for the continuation of the Operation; • Responsible for political and military relations with representatives of Somali central and local government, and with representatives of the main military and civil operations in the Horn of Africa. objectives achieved: The establishment of important work relations with Somali political and military personalities, and with representatives of the main international military and civil operations in the Horn of Africa area, which led to the arrest of 6 alleged Somali pirates off the coast of Somalia in November 2017.
BRANCH: INTELLIGENCE Management of international team with direct reporting to the Intelligence Dept. Head: • Responsible for the planning of collection resources and responsible to establish and prioritize intelligence requirements deemed vital for the continuation and success of the Operation.
BRANCH: OPERATIONS - Naval Constructions and Outfitting Center Management of one manager and his team with direct reporting to the Head of Operations: • Selected for a management role usually reserved for significantly more senior officers; • Member of the staff overseeing a €5.5bn (~$7bn) shipbuilding program; • Partnerships with aerospace and defense contractors • Responsible for designing, programming and outfitting of the Operations sector – detection sensors and RADAR assuring that new state-of-the-art equipments fully met the Navy’s requirements • Responsible for Media and Public Information activities. Objectives achieved: Excellent designing, programming and outfitting of the Operations sector, resulting in the assignment of an international operation to the ship, first of a FREMM class.
Naval Academy cadet for 5 years. Graduated in the top 10% of the graduate Naval Academy class of 2011.