Fabio Nolasco

Vice President (IT Digital Delivery & Transformation) at AIG - and - Adjunct Professor of Computer Science at the University of North Carolina
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Email: ****o@aig.com
LinkedIn: Fabio Nolasco
Location: Charlotte, North Carolina, United States
Current employer: AIG
Current title:
Global Director of Frontend Development
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:03 AM
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Fabio Nolasco is from Charlotte, North Carolina, United States. Fabio is currently Global Director of Frontend Development at AIG, located in New York, New York, United States. In Fabio's previous role as a Post Graduation Course in Production Management at Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Fabio worked in until Jul 2011.

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Fabio Nolasco's current jobs
Company: AIG
Title: Global Director of Frontend Development
Period: Nov 2020 - Present (4 years, 4 months)
Location: New York, New York, United States

The official title is Vice President of Digital Delivery and Transformation. However, in practice, my role can be better described as Global Director of Frontend Development (UI/UX).

Fabio Nolasco's past jobs
Company: Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Title: Post Graduation Course in Production Management
Period: Aug 2009 - Jul 2011 (1 year, 11 months)
Fabio Nolasco's education
Post-Graduate Degree - Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Post Gradutaion (Lato Sensu)
2010 - 2011
Bachelor's - Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Bachelor's degree
2002 - 2010
Master's - Univerisdade Federal de Viçosa
Master's degree in Forest Science
2010 - 2012
Fabio Nolasco's top skills
Fluid Layouts Español Adobe Marketing Cloud SASS SEO HTML5 Adobe Photoshop MySQL AngularJS Git English JavaScript SSH Ajax PHP Front End Development Project Management CSS3 UX Responsive Layouts
Other people named Fabio Nolasco
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Fabio Romero Nolasco Ferreira
Professor adjunto
Vila Velha, Espírito Santo, Brazil
Fábio Nolasco
São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
Fábio Nolasco de Oliveira
aux operacional
Contagem, Minas Gerais, Brazil
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