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Fabricio M Carvalho
Purchasing Coordinator Corporate | Neumayer Tekfor Automotive Ltda
Current employer:
Neumayer Tekfor Automotive Ltda
Current title:
Purchasing Coordinator Corporate
Last updated:
22/05/2023 00:40 AM
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Fabricio M Carvalho is from Jundiaí, São Paulo, Brazil. Fabricio works in the following industries: "Automotive". Fabricio is currently Purchasing Coordinator Corporate at Neumayer Tekfor Automotive Ltda. Fabricio also works as Comprador Senior at Neumayer Tekfor Automotive Ltda, a job Fabricio has held since May 2001.
You can find Fabricio M Carvalho's email at finalscout.com. FinalScout is a professional database with business professional profiles and company profiles.
Fabricio M Carvalho's current jobs
Neumayer Tekfor Automotive Ltda
Purchasing Coordinator Corporate
Jun 2020 - Present (4 years, 7 months)
Neumayer Tekfor Automotive Ltda
Comprador Senior
May 2001 - Present (23 years, 8 months)
Fabricio M Carvalho's education
Grupo Anchieta
MBA Comércio Exterior
2018 - 2020
Grupo Anchieta
Administrador de Empresas
2008 - 2011
Escola Tecnica Duque de Caxias
Técnico em Desenho Mecânico
Other people named Fabricio M Carvalho
Fabricio M de Carvalho
Auxiliar de logística
Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
There are 1 other "Fabricio M Carvalho". You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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