Fahad Sulaiman

Business Development Manager-IT Sales
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Email: ****t@eumecon.ae
LinkedIn: Fahad Sulaiman
Location: 阿联酋 迪拜酋长国
Current employer: Eumecon IT Systems
Current title:
Business Development Manager
Last updated: 21/05/2023 23:46 PM
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Fahad Sulaiman is from 阿联酋 迪拜酋长国. Fahad works in the following industries: "信息技术和服务". Fahad is currently Business Development Manager at Eumecon IT Systems, located in UAE. In Fahad's previous role as a Sales Manager at Bharti Airtel Pvt Ltd, Fahad worked in India until Aug 2015.

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Fahad Sulaiman's current jobs
Title: Business Development Manager
Period: Dec 2015 - Present (9 years, 2 months)
Location: UAE

The brainchild of Eumecon IT Systems-Aiwa is a Digital Marketing Company that specializes in: Website and Mobile app development, Social Media Management (SMM), Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), Adwords Management, Role and Responsibilities: • Generated sales by executing a complete sales cycle process and break-even rate-tracking through contract negotiations and close. • Develop business opportunities from all market areas, providing the first-level consultancy to prospective clients and developing clients to ensure that all services are sold. . Exceeded sales goals and improve profitability by aligning sales strategies and business plans with market trends. • Built customer base from scratch and maintained top performer status. • Formalized sales process to keep operations consistent and promote the efficient acquisition of new customers. • Created and finalized quotes to complete deals between the company, vendors, and customers.

Fahad Sulaiman's past jobs
Company: Bharti Airtel Pvt Ltd
Title: Sales Manager
Period: Dec 2013 - Aug 2015 (1 year, 8 months)
Location: India

Responsible to manage sales force within the defined regional territory and responsible for overseeing sales operations, meeting targets and managing the sales team in the region. Role and Responsibilities: • Raised customer satisfaction helping to build lasting relationships with customers. • Planned and developed strategies to increase sales and territory or market positioning for diverse product lines. • Trained, managed and motivated team of 15 staff and 2 channel partners. • Increased sales to distributors and retailers resulting in a 20% increase in market share during 2015. • Tracked customer behaviors, market trends using data to make proactive adjustments to sales procedures and targets.

Fahad Sulaiman's education
University of Calicut
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
2011 - 2013
University of Calicut
2010 - 2011
University of Calicut
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
2007 - 2010
Fahad Sulaiman's top skills
Business Strategy Sales Key Account Marketing Microsoft Excel PowerPoint Business Planning Tally 7.9 Microsoft Word Microsoft Office Market Research Sales Process Business Development Team Management Supervisory Skills Deal Closure Customer Service Team Building Management Situational Sales Negotiation
Fahad Sulaiman's Colleagues
Ameer Sha
Chief Executive Officer
Mohamed Sarhan
DellEMC Product Manager - Business Development Manager
sudharsan krishnamoorthy
IT Support Specialist
Aseem M.A
General Manager
Muhammad Ashraf
Project Manager
Fahad Sulaiman has 28 colleagues in total at Eumecon IT Systems. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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