Faith Taylor

Global Environmental Social Governance Leader at Tesla
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Email: ****r@kyndryl.com
LinkedIn: Faith Taylor
Location: New York City Metropolitan Area
Current employer: Kyndryl
Current title:
Global Sustainability Officer
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:41 AM
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Faith Taylor is from New York City Metropolitan Area. Faith is currently Global Sustainability Officer at Kyndryl, located in New York, New York, United States. In Faith's previous role as a Vice President Innovation, Business Development and Marketing at Wyndham Hotel Group, Faith worked in until Jun 2007.

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Faith Taylor's current jobs
Company: Kyndryl
Title: Global Sustainability Officer
Period: Dec 2021 - Present (3 years, 1 month)
Location: New York, New York, United States

In November 2021, Kyndryl spun-off from IBM's infrastructure services business. which made up the bulk of IBM Global Technology Services. The company operates in 63 countries and generates almost $18 Billion in sales with 80,000 employees servicing 4,000 customers of which 75% are part of the Fortune 100. Kyndryl designs, builds, manages and modernizes enterprises' IT infrastructure systems and manages 240 Data centers in 64 countries. The company is separated into six global managed services practices, including: cloud, applications data, and AI; core enterprise and zCloud; digital workplace; network and edge; and security and resiliency. -Developed the strategic plan, financial model, global carbon inventory, and embedding it within key functions to deliver profitability and sustainability. Within first year developed Net Zero by 2040 decarbonization roadmap. Working with leaders to meet all goals aligned with our Environmental, Social and Governance program. -Collaborating with government affairs, operations, procurement, legal, finance, human resources, and leaders across 30 countries to co-evolve Kyndryl’s ESG strategy, governance, education, engagement, and reporting. Leveraging our customer and alliance partnerships to develop solutions that scale. -Responding to stakeholder needs and issues related to Kyndryl’s sustainability performance, including investor, customer, supplier, regulators, and media enquiries. -Communicating Kyndryl’s sustainability progress, solutions, and impact by developing the foundation and strategies for our program and externally reporting aligned to SBTi, GRI, and TCFD and other disclosures (eg EcoVadis, CDP and the UNGC communication on progress).

Faith Taylor's past jobs
Title: Vice President Innovation, Business Development and Marketing
Period: Jan 2005 - Jun 2007 (2 years, 5 months)
Faith Taylor's education
Stanford University
Bachelor of Arts - BA
The Wharton School
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