Fareed Fernandez Belalcazar

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Email: ****d@mepetcare.com
Location: 阿拉伯联合酋长国 迪拜酋长国
Current employer:
Arab Land Trading L.L.C. & Pet’s Delight The Largest Boutique Retail Chain In The Middle East
Current title:
Last updated: 08/11/2024 08:56 AM
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Fareed Fernandez Belalcazar is from 阿拉伯联合酋长国 迪拜酋长国. Fareed Fernandez is currently 业务发展董事总经理 at Arab Land Trading L.L.C. & Pet’s Delight The Largest Boutique Retail Chain In The Middle East, located in 阿拉伯联合酋长国. In Fareed Fernandez's previous role as a Operations Manager at Cooperativa Financiera de Trabajadores del Occidente Colombiano, Fareed Fernandez worked in Colombia until Jan 1997. Prior to joining Cooperativa Financiera de Trabajadores del Occidente Colombiano, Fareed Fernandez was a Inventory Manager at Industrias Super Lac and held the position of Inventory Manager at Colombia.

Fareed Fernandez Belalcazar's contact information is available for free on finalscout.com, a web-based professional networking database with more than 500 million business contacts and 200 million company profiles.

Fareed Fernandez Belalcazar's current jobs
Company: Arab Land Trading L.L.C. & Pet’s Delight The Largest Boutique Retail Chain In The Middle East
Title: 业务发展董事总经理
Period: May 2001 - Present (23 years, 8 months)
Location: 阿拉伯联合酋长国
Fareed Fernandez Belalcazar's past jobs
Company: Cooperativa Financiera de Trabajadores del Occidente Colombiano
Title: Operations Manager
Period: Jan 1991 - Jan 1997 (6 years)
Location: Colombia
Company: Industrias Super Lac
Title: Inventory Manager
Period: Jan 1990 - Jan 1991 (1 year)
Location: Colombia
Fareed Fernandez Belalcazar's education
1985 - 1990
Fareed Fernandez Belalcazar's top skills
创造性解决问题 战略人力资源规划
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