Farrukh Ghani CPA

General Manager at Doosan Industrial Vehicle America Corporation
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LinkedIn: Farrukh Ghani, CPA
Location: Lexington, Kentucky, United States
Current title:
General Manager
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:30 AM
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Farrukh Ghani CPA is from Lexington, Kentucky, United States. Farrukh works in the following industries: "Machinery". Farrukh is currently General Manager at Doosan Industrial Vehicle America Corporation, located in Buford, Georgia, United States. In Farrukh's previous role as a Vice President & Chief Financial Officer at CLARK Material Handling Company, Farrukh worked in Lexington, Kentucky Area until Nov 2016.

Farrukh Ghani CPA can be found on Finalscout.com, where members can access Farrukh Ghani CPA's email for free. Finalscout is a professional database with more than 500 million business professional profiles and 200 million company profiles.

Farrukh Ghani CPA's current jobs
Title: General Manager
Period: Nov 2016 - Present (8 years, 4 months)
Location: Buford, Georgia, United States
Farrukh Ghani CPA's past jobs
Company: CLARK Material Handling Company
Title: Vice President & Chief Financial Officer
Period: Jun 2000 - Nov 2016 (16 years, 5 months)
Location: Lexington, Kentucky Area

Highly accomplished, results-driven senior corporate executive, with more than 20 years of successful experience in finance and operations of multi-national global organizations. Proven track record and demonstrable leadership skills in developing business strategies to streamline operations and sustain positive growth and profitability, driving excellence through change management and technological innovations.

Farrukh Ghani CPA's education
Farrukh Ghani CPA's top skills
Standards Compliance Strategic Leadership Operational Excellence Financial Services Information Technology Software Project Management Financial Planning Operational Planning Internal Audit Corporate Budgeting Software Development Tax Planning Business Intelligence International Sales Credit Management Performance Management Business Planning Risk Management Strategic Sales Plans Enterprise Software
Farrukh Ghani CPA's Colleagues
Brian Grellinger
General Manager of Information Technology
Buford, Georgia, United States
Tony Jones
Buford, Georgia, United States
Jeff Powell
Director of National Sales
Buford, Georgia, United States
Dan Summers
General Manager of Product Support & Warranty
Buford, Georgia, United States
Andre Marshall, MBA
Product Manager
Buford, Georgia, United States
Farrukh Ghani CPA has 60 colleagues in total at Doosan Industrial Vehicle America Corporation. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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