Fin Wycherley

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Email: ****y@gmail.com
Location: Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom
Current employer: Supersize Media
Current title:
CEO Social Media Agency
Last updated: 15/03/2024 13:25 PM
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Fin Wycherley is from Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom. Fin is currently CEO Social Media Agency at Supersize Media, located in Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom. In Fin's previous role as a Social Media Trainer | Social Media Speaker | Social Media Consultant at Supersize Blogging, Fin worked in until Dec 2013. Prior to joining Supersize Blogging, Fin was a Radio Producer, Business and Social Media Presenter, Board Member at Leith FM and held the position of Radio Producer, Business and Social Media Presenter, Board Member.

You can find Fin Wycherley's email on finalScout.com. FinalScout is a popular professional database with more than 500 million business professionals and over 200 million company profiles.

Fin Wycherley's current jobs
Company: Supersize Media
Title: CEO Social Media Agency
Period: Dec 2013 - Present (11 years, 1 month)
Location: Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom

Digital and Social Media Workshops and Training: From digital literacy to social media platform mastery. Learn the latest skills, tools, techniques and strategies to smash your business objectives. Social Media Influencer: I am a popular (and rather humorous) keynote speaker and social media expert at conferences; a guest expert on radio and features on a range of high-profile magazines, trade journals and blogs. With over 50,000 followers across the digital platforms, Fin has influence to bring to any campaign. Brand Development and Web Design: Video-based, mobile-optimised web design and marketing strategies to supersize your social and digital marketing, website traffic and brand awareness. Video Marketing and Vlogging: Get your message out in the most persuasive and relationship-building medium ever - video! Particularly good for YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc What our marketing training and digital web support will do for your business: 1. Establish yourself or your company as the authority or expert in your space 2. Develop a tailored and highly researched Digital Marketing Plan for your organisation 3. Put a system in place to generate consistent leads / sales for your business, plus training to implement 4. Increase sales / donations / appointments / downloads with specific digital sales funnels 4. Increase email list, social media followers, brand awareness and event participation 5. Confidence and expertise in your chosen social media or digital platform We work with clients to determine strategy through benchmarking and audience analysis, create responsive content, generate new fans, increase engagement and drive conversions plus provide metrics and reports. Try us, results guaranteed!

Fin Wycherley's past jobs
Company: Supersize Blogging
Title: Social Media Trainer | Social Media Speaker | Social Media Consultant
Period: Aug 2011 - Dec 2013 (2 years, 4 months)
Company: Leith FM
Title: Radio Producer, Business and Social Media Presenter, Board Member
Period: Nov 2008 - Jan 2011 (2 years, 2 months)
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