Fouad Kazim DBA C Mgr CCMI PMI ACP DP Bo K
Fouad Kazim DBA C Mgr CCMI PMI ACP DP Bo K is from Hyères, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France. Fouad is currently CEO & Building Digital and Operations at Trendfeeling at Trendfeeling - Retail Information and Creativity, located in New York, Iowa, United States. Fouad also works as CEO & Building Digital and Operations at Merchanfeeling - The Merchandising Reference, a job Fouad has held since Mar 2008.
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Fouad Kazim DBA C Mgr CCMI PMI ACP DP Bo K's current jobs
∞ Trendfeeling provides curated content & design creativity on international retail concepts: Innovate, Adapt and Engage. ∞ Our insights are evidence-based and reflected by our R.I.M.E.® model: Realistic, Implementable, Measurable & Impact Earnings. We provide online photos, trend insights and engaging customer experience of innovative global retail experiences that enable and justify design budgets and project resources for retail projects. Our solutions align retail teams around creatives and demonstrate the following: * Effective Return on Time (ROT) * Benchmarking innovation and creativity aligned to the customer journey * Real indications of Return on Investment. My Role STRATEGY: Defined requirements for IT & digital technology strategy Defined the value proposition & customer journey - customer acquisition Developed the online brand, web design, service and deployment strategies. Developed and implemented the Training - R.I.M.E.® model creative benchmarking tool. Product development revenue generation, control and expenditure. Social media brand awareness - top-of-mind impact. Vendor management & Relationships management OPERATIONS: Increase productivity - efficiencies, effectiveness. Managing resources and capabilities to align with budget and business outcomes. Increasing lifetime value of customers-driving activity across platforms Monitoring cashflow, P&L, transactions, session performance, media analysis, customer analytics Loyalty Metric Monthly/Weekly/ Daily active users. Analysing segment for improved NPS, social media marketing impact, product uptake, & sales. New product mgmt propositions for specific business cases. Defining new go-to-market digital strategies and innovation. Developed & overseeing strategic plans with IT partners, Developed storytelling, personas, business impact analysis, & business intelligence dashboards. CRM management of data-High value customers, & new business development, and team personal sales goals.
Defined requirements for end-to-end strategic operations, development and implementation of Merchanfeelings 9 services with E-commerce platform: Studio; Boutique; Labofeeling; Actufeeling, Recruitment; Training Club; Events&Partners; Directory. Team Leadership & remote control: Led 14 staff across Development, Design, Marketing and Operations. Processes & Tasks: Overseas Project Management & Developed Website Requirements, Mock-ups; outlined the Request for Proposal; Provider Due Diligence and Audit, Functional Testing and Sign-off. Internal IT Development Processes: DevOP and Agile, Information System Management, Vendor Management & Solution Acquisition, Business & Operational Development: Developed Strategic Initiatives, Service Ideation and Identifying Value Streams, Customer Journey development and implementation; Sale Channel Development, Customer Acquisition and Validation Partnerships and Ecosystem Development: Contacted and pitched collaborative ideas within the retail service providers ecosystem from Company CEO’s and decision makers for Event collaborations, Joint Service Ventures, Communication, Marketing and Solution Manufacturers, Artists for creative Visual Merchandising solutions. International travel to partners EMEA, USA, Mexico. Lead the customer segment strategy for clients. CRM, Sales communication plan, Customer journey mapping and strategy for the global market - improve business awareness in new markets( USA, China). Story mapping new ways to invent commercial ideas to accomplish company’s short and long term goals as well as control and track KPI metrics. Key achievements during this tenure include: ⇨ Increased revenue generation from new business idea to €1.4M through the development and implementation of effective strategies. ⇨ Increased the Key partnership shared revenue contributions by %15 ⇨ Designed and delivered innovative commercial ideas to accomplish company’s short 20% M on M and long term goals YOY approx 5% after Costs.