Franca Perin

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Email: ****n@impactin.co
Location: Paris, Île-de-France, France
Current employer: Generali Investments
Current title:
Head of ESG Prospective
Last updated: 12/10/2023 07:05 AM
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Franca Perin is from Paris, Île-de-France, France. Franca is currently Head of ESG Prospective at Generali Investments, located in Italy.

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Franca Perin's current jobs
Title: Head of ESG Prospective
Period: Apr 2010 - Present (14 years, 9 months)
Location: Italy

- Market ESG trends and stakeholders’ expectations analysis (worldwide perimeter) - Monitoring of Greenwashing risks in the market - Development of a ESG proprietary methodology for indirects investments due diligence (SFDR art.6, 8, 9 and EU taxonomy, PAI, SDGs) - Development of an database (Python code) and monitoring of ESG due diligence for indirect and direct investments funds (+35 AMs and 350 funds) - ESG market benchmarking (products, ESG strategies, ESG integration, biodiversity…) - Responsible of Consumer Staples Sector analysis and deforestation topic - Responsible of Utilities Sector analysis -------------‐-------- Head of SRI (Socially Responsible Investments) April 2010 - November 2022 - Conception of the SRI strategy and ESG Best-Effort Analysis Methodology and internal database (S.A.R.A); - Creation and management of the SRI department: up to 8 analysts; - Responsible for the ESG analysis (531 companies in MSCI Europe + other indexes); - Responsible for the Group Ethical Filter: conception of a negative screening methodology for a perimeter of 5,000 companies (worldwide); - Responsible for the carbon footprint project: elaboration of the 1st Group Generali carbon footprint in the respect of the Article 173 of the French law and the energetic transition strategy; - Sales relationships with international clients and conception of the Thematic funds (SRI ageing population) - Responsible for the Group Proxy voting and engagement (from 2010 to 2016); - Responsible for the luxury and energy sector; - Responsible for the SRI funds certification; - Signatory and member of: PRI, ICGN, EUROSIF…

Franca Perin's Colleagues
Stephen PERIN
Cofounder, CTO — ESG Impact Finance platfom
Paris, Île-de-France, France
Emanuela Morroni
Paris, Île-de-France, France
Franca Perin has 2 colleagues in total at IMPACTIN. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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Franca Perin
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