Francesco Tamiazzo
Francesco Tamiazzo is from Padua, Veneto, Italy. Francesco works in the following industries: "Biotechnology", and "Chemicals". Francesco is currently Direttore vendite Italia at Biosigma, located in Cona, Veneto, Italia. Francesco also works as Founder and General Manager at Biosigma Spa, a job Francesco has held since Mar 1988. In Francesco's previous role as a IT SALES DIRECTOR at Biosigma, Francesco worked in Cona, Veneto, Italia until Mar 1988.
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Francesco Tamiazzo's current jobs
SALES DIRECTOR ITALY and former founding partner. Division manager of plastic consumer products and accessories for clincal- chemestry and biotechnology laboratories on public and private Hospitals, Universities and food/pharmaceutical industries. Catalogue project manager of 100,000 products at stock. Strong experience on sales network and management of 10 or more biotec-graduates sellers. Office Manager of 20 employees office and warehouses for the management of sales and custom services for clients. Strong experience in the management of tenders and online tenders. Office's contacts manager of purchaising department of multinational Italian companies.