Frank Butterworth

Technical Director at Goodwater Ltd
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Email: ****k@goodwater.co.uk
LinkedIn: Frank Butterworth
Location: Greater Reading Area
Current employer:
Goodwater Ltd
Current title:
Technical Director
Last updated: 21/05/2023 23:54 PM
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Frank Butterworth is from Greater Reading Area. Frank works in the following industries: "Construction". Frank is currently Technical Director at Goodwater Ltd.

You can find Frank Butterworth's email on finalScout.com. FinalScout is a popular professional database with more than 500 million business professionals and over 200 million company profiles.

Frank Butterworth's current jobs
Company: Goodwater Ltd
Title: Technical Director
Period: Jan 1987 - Present (37 years, 11 months)
Frank Butterworth's education
University College North Wales
BSc Hons
1976 - 1979
Rishworth School, Ripponden.
1970 - 1976
Horsleys Green School, Stokenchurch.
1968 - 1970
Westfield College University of London
Research Assistantship
1979 - 1982
Frank Butterworth's top skills
Contaminated Land Wastewater Treatment Engineering Filtration Cooling Water Water Supply Cooling Towers Environmental Engineering Waste Management Environmental Awareness Water Management Water Reverse Osmosis Desalination Sustainability Pumps Waste Contract Management Water Treatment Water Quality
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