Frederic Lalonde

Founder, Hopper Inc.
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Email: ****e@hopper.com
LinkedIn: Frederic Lalonde
Location: Greater Montreal Metropolitan Area
Current employer: Expedia Group
Current title:
Vice President, Hotels & Packages Product Planning
Last updated: 09/09/2024 13:11 PM
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Frederic Lalonde is from Greater Montreal Metropolitan Area. Frederic works in the following industries: "Technology, Information and Internet". Frederic is currently Vice President, Hotels & Packages Product Planning at Expedia Group. Frederic also works as Founder & CEO at Hopper, a job Frederic has held since Apr 2007. In Frederic's previous role as a Board of Directors at MakeMyTrip, Frederic worked in until Dec 2016. Prior to joining MakeMyTrip, Frederic was a Founder & CTO at Newtrade Technologies Inc. and held the position of Founder & CTO.

Frederic Lalonde can be found on Finalscout.com, where members can access Frederic Lalonde's email for free. Finalscout is a professional database with more than 500 million business professional profiles and 200 million company profiles.

Frederic Lalonde's current jobs
Company: Expedia Group
Title: Vice President, Hotels & Packages Product Planning
Period: Sep 2024 - Present (4 months)
Company: Hopper
Title: Founder & CEO
Period: Apr 2007 - Present (17 years, 9 months)
Frederic Lalonde's past jobs
Company: MakeMyTrip
Title: Board of Directors
Period: Jan 2007 - Dec 2016 (9 years, 11 months)
Company: Newtrade Technologies Inc.
Title: Founder & CTO
Period: Mar 1997 - Oct 2002 (5 years, 7 months)
Frederic Lalonde's education
College drop-out
Other people named Frederic Lalonde
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Senior station manager
Seattle, Washington, United States
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Sales Manager
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Frederick Lalonde
Producer, production manager and technical director
Jean-Frédéric Lalonde
Teaml Leader, Contract Services
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
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