Garrison Klueck

Founding and Managing Partner/Attorney/Mediator at Law & Mediation Firm of Klueck & Hoppes, APC
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Email: ****n@familylawsandiego.com
LinkedIn: Garrison Klueck
Location: La Mesa, California, United States
Current employer:
Law & Mediation Firm of Klueck & Hoppes, APC
Current title:
Founding and Managing Partner/Attorney/Mediator
Last updated: 10/01/2024 00:45 AM
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Garrison Klueck is from La Mesa, California, United States. Garrison is currently Founding and Managing Partner/Attorney/Mediator at Law & Mediation Firm of Klueck & Hoppes, APC.

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Garrison Klueck's current jobs
Company: Law & Mediation Firm of Klueck & Hoppes, APC
Title: Founding and Managing Partner/Attorney/Mediator
Period: Jan 2016 - Present (9 years)

After serving legal clients for more than 25 years as the Law & Mediation Offices of Garrison Klueck, APC, the law and mediation firm has reformed itself into the Law & Mediation Firm of Klueck & Hoppes, APC ("K&H"). The recombined firm continues to operate as an energetic and aggressive full-service family law firm. The firm was recently voted the best overall law firm in San Diego County in a poll of Fine Magazine readers. This recognition was the most recent of many years of awards and special recognitions (multiple "Top Attorney" awards (SD Transcript), numerous"Super Lawyers"recognitions, multiple"Best of the Bar" awards (SD Business Journal) etc. The 10 attorneys of K&H have over 125 years of combined legal experience. When appropriate, the firm's lawyers perform aggressively as "warriors in court" but we also offer alternative out-of-court dispute resolution methods such as mediation, collaborative divorce, and cooperative divorce. Couples seeking an "amicable divorce" will also be professionally served by K&H. Where appropriate, the firm offers unbundled "limited scope" assistance. The firm also offers adoptions in Juvenile Court and guardianships in Probate Court. The attorneys at K&H are dedicated to providing access to justice to a diversified clientele seeking that justice in the legal system and in out-of-court alternatives.

Garrison Klueck's education
Southern California Seminary
Other people named Garrison Klueck
Garrison Klueck
Adjunct Professor
San Diego, California, United States
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