Genavieve Alexander

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Email: ****
Location: Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
Current employer:
Genavieve.Co - Communications Specialist: taking brands West to East
Current title:
Founder & Director PR Brand for HONG KONG
Last updated: 21/02/2024 16:14 PM
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Genavieve Alexander is from Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR. Genavieve is currently Founder & Director PR Brand for HONG KONG at Genavieve.Co - Communications Specialist: taking brands West to East , located in Wan Chai District, Hong Kong SAR.

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Genavieve Alexander's current jobs
Company: Genavieve.Co - Communications Specialist: taking brands West to East
Title: Founder & Director PR Brand for HONG KONG
Period: Feb 2012 - Present (12 years, 11 months)
Location: Wan Chai District, Hong Kong SAR

EST in 2012, as Hong Kong's first PR Brand. A communications specialist (East & West) in building & executing winning Brand PR Strategy to take luxury lifestyle brands from West to East and East to West. Inspired by, Founder Genavieve's 20 years in global luxury brands & in tribute to businesswoman & silent mentor, Madame Clicquot; who said of her wines "Only one quality, the finest". Proudly representing over 80 brands accelerating them across APAC. More at

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Paris, Île-de-France, France
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