George Makhatadze

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Email: ****
Location: Georgia
Current employer: Gianti Logistics
Current title:
General Manager
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:09 AM
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George Makhatadze is from Georgia. George is currently General Manager at Gianti Logistics, located in Tbilisi, Georgia.

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George Makhatadze's current jobs
Company: Gianti Logistics
Title: General Manager
Period: Oct 2015 - Present (9 years, 2 months)
Location: Tbilisi, Georgia

A full range of integrated solutions including: Transportation – by Land, Rail, Ocean and Air Gianti Terminal Located in Poti, under customs zone Heavy lift and project cargo caucasus and CIS countries Port Services Terminal Services Warehousing and Storage Customs Formalities Project Logistics Consulting – Surveying, Reporting, Test Drives, Site visits and etc. Dedicated, own in-house transport engineers Unique Specialization: Heavy and Oversized Hauling Jacking and Sliding operations Crane Service Utilization of the most cost-effective means of transportation Processing of all required documentation: from permitting and special escorts to Customs clearance. Certified for ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System

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