George Pople

Software Manager, Lead Developer and Architect
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LinkedIn: George Pople
Location: Wexford, Pennsylvania, United States
Current employer:
Pople Solutions, LLC
Current title:
Owner / Lead Developer
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:25 AM
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George Pople is from Wexford, Pennsylvania, United States. George works in the following industries: "Software Development". George is currently Owner / Lead Developer at Pople Solutions, LLC. George also works as Owner / Lead Developer & Designer at Pople Software, a job George has held since Jan 2013. In George's previous role as a Director of Software Development at Virtual OfficeWare, George worked in until Oct 2013. Prior to joining Virtual OfficeWare, George was a Applications Manager at Management Science Associates and held the position of Applications Manager. Prior to that, George was a Consultant at UPMC from Jan 2007 to Jan 2008. George started working as Senior Software Engineer at Haley Systems in Dec 2006. From Jan 2004 to Jan 2006, George was Systems and Software Manager at Mellon Analytical Solutions. Prior to that, George was a Senior Web Developer at Fisher Scientific from Jan 2002 to Jan 2004. George started working as Consultant at Allin Consulting in Jan 2002.

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George Pople's current jobs
Company: Pople Solutions, LLC
Title: Owner / Lead Developer
Period: Oct 2013 - Present (11 years, 4 months)
Company: Pople Software
Title: Owner / Lead Developer & Designer
Period: Jan 2013 - Present (12 years, 1 month)

• Performed all client interactions to get new business. • Wrote Scope of Work documents, Functional Specifications and Client contracts. • Received a provisional patent for a new software process. • Created web services to be used by both websites and mobile applications. • Created web sites using HTML5, CSS3, JQuery and Javascript with a PHP / MySQL backend. • Created custom WordPress websites. • Created custom security application using PHP / MySQL technologies. • Designed and developed mobile applications using HTML5, CSS3, JQuery and Telerik AppBuilder (PhoneGap). • Worked as the FLUXX integration specialist with a number of philanthropic companies throughout the US

George Pople's past jobs
Company: Virtual OfficeWare
Title: Director of Software Development
Period: May 2013 - Oct 2013 (5 months)

• Responsible for two development teams: Professional Services & Product Development. The Product Development team would design and development of new applications from the ground up, utilizing Agile technologies, to architect and design a wide range of products in the Healthcare space. The Professional Services group was responsible for Electronic Medical Record conversions utilizing HL7 messaging, custom reporting solutions, maintenance of existing applications, and development of new plug-in applications for the GE Centricity EMR • Built the Product Development team up from scratch, recruiting and hiring a well integrated team. • Defined all aspects of development including the source repository (TFS), the testing framework (Test Complete) and the development environment (Visual Studio with C# & WPF). • Introduced the idea of wireframes, user stories and stand-up meetings to the company. • Improved the Electronic Medical Record conversion business by offering a reusable ETL solution base. • Wrote an RPF in order to outsource some of the larger applications. • Met with external clients to define requirements and elicit feedback on designs. • Designed and architected a mobile application to be used to track patients in an assisted care facility. • Managed the off-shoring of the custom reports business. • Led the design of a complete rewrite of an existing application from VB to .NET

Title: Applications Manager
Period: May 2008 - May 2013 (5 years)

• Manage a team of .NET developers. • Interface with external clients to flesh out functionality of new software products. • Led the design and development of a complete rewrite of an existing application from VB to .NET • Designed the front-end and back-end for all new software products within his department. • Acted as project manager for a number of software releases.

Company: UPMC
Title: Consultant
Period: Jan 2007 - Jan 2008 (1 year)

• Designed and developed as Web Services application to act as the backend for a Smart Room application. • Documented system design of application. • Designed and documented security system for backend system. • Led backend development for a CMMI compliant project.

Company: Haley Systems
Title: Senior Software Engineer
Period: Dec 2006 - May 2007 (5 months)

• Designed and developed J2EE client prototypes for use with HaleyRules. • Wrote the Design Document templates. • Provided solutions for UI / Usability issues. • Co-authored tutorial document for using Haley Authority.

Company: Mellon Analytical Solutions
Title: Systems and Software Manager
Period: Jan 2004 - Jan 2006 (2 years)

• Managed a team of 5 developers and as many as 10 contractors. • Created project plans for $1M+ projects. • Developed and integrated ETL technologies utilizing Informatica. • Architected and designed the data collection project which was acknowledged as a crucial profit center for Russell/Mellon. • Architected a role-based security system. • Acted as lead developer and for .NET development using C#, JavaScript and AJAX. • Chaired the Software Architecture Committee. • Acted as a key participant for the Technology Evaluation Committee. • Wrote the enterprise UI / Usability standards document. • Wrote the enterprise Functional Spec and Design Document templates. • Authored all team based standards documents

Title: Senior Web Developer
Period: Jan 2002 - Jan 2004 (2 years)

• Lead development of server side integrations to allow for disparate document types to be processed as Fisher Scientific purchase orders using the Vignette ETL tool. • Designed, developed and integrated SOAP web services to communicate between voice recognition software and the legacy mainframe. • Optimized system performance using Borland’s OptimizeIt and Empirix load testing tools • Wrote java swing application to be used for testing purposes.

Company: Allin Consulting
Title: Consultant
Period: Jan 2002 - Jan 2002

• Redesigned, re-architected and redeveloped an intranet survey application using Java Server Pages (JSP), Servlets and JDBC. • Designed and developed reports using Impromptu Web Reports.

Company: Ciber
Title: Solutions Architect / Team Lead
Period: Jan 2000 - Jan 2001 (1 year)

• Acted as lead programmer and GUI expert during the design and development for a new Intranet inventory control system. • Designed and developed the University of Pittsburgh, Katz School of Business’ new J2EE based online registration system. • Investigated a new Rational Unified Process consulting practice. • Presented workshops for Java development, web site design, and project management methodologies (eSetWeb.) • Developed, deployed and tested servlets and JSPs using both SilverStream and WebSphere Servers.

Company: Manta Consulting
Title: President
Period: Jan 1998 - Jan 2000 (2 years)

• Acted as GUI expert in the design and development of a Swing application used as the front-end for an artificial intelligence system. • Assisted in the development of an online product marketplace by developing a Swing applet / servlet database system that allowed for any client database to be mapped onto the server database. • Contracted to design, develop, and implement of a Swing based CDROM order entry system. • Contracted to develop web applications and user interfaces that would provide a consistent user experience across all hardware platforms. • Programmed interactive tutorial applets for publishing companies. • Designed and deployed web sites.

Company: Seer Systems, Inc
Title: Vice President & Developer
Period: Jan 1989 - Jan 1999 (10 years)

• Designed and developed the artificial intelligence application MEDEAGOL. • Developed a Java Swing based user interface for EAGOL. • Designed an online interactive tutorial for MEDEAGOL • Created a socket based transfer protocol for interaction between the lisp based back end and the Java Swing based interface a precursor of CORBA. • Liaison between Seer System and government contracting officers for government grants • Co-wrote all government grants.

Company: INSIGHT Automation Systems
Title: Engineer
Period: Jan 1988 - Jan 1989 (1 year)

• Developed level III automation systems for various steel mills. • Acted as system administrator. • Developed text-based user interfaces.

George Pople's education
1987 - 1992
1986 - 1988
North Hills High School
1981 - 1985
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