George Vukotich

Founding Director, Center for Research in Innovation and Smart Cities at University of Wisconsin-Parkside
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Email: ****e@fintank.org
LinkedIn: George Vukotich
Location: Greater Chicago Area
Current employer: FinTank
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Last updated: 21/03/2024 22:04 PM
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George Vukotich is from Greater Chicago Area. George is currently Founder at FinTank, located in Chicago, Illinois, United States.

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George Vukotich's current jobs
Company: FinTank
Title: Founder
Period: Dec 2016 - Present (8 years, 1 month)
Location: Chicago, Illinois, United States

After helping build 1871, the #1 ranked incubator in the world founded FinTank, which is an innovative FinTech hub that helps startups become more effective more quickly. Partnered with the larger enterprise organizations and universities to grow a Chicago and global FinTech community. Recruited innovative startups in areas related to blockchain, artificial intelligence, data analytics, cybersecurity and areas related to AR/VR and gaming. Also testified before the Illinois House of Representatives on topics related to blockchain and cryptocurrency to help in the estabishment of industry guidelines. In relation, led the startup efforts for 1000 Angels in Chicago. 1000 Angels is the world's largest digital-first investor network that allows members to build a venture portfolio free of management fees. I develop, manage, and coordinate access to private founder presentations, member networking events, educational seminars, and VIP access to conferences and events for all members. These include providing access to mentors and advisory board members.

George Vukotich's education
Loyola University Chicago
Harvard Business School
Human Resources Executive Program
DePaul University - Charles H. Kellstadt Graduate School of Business
George Vukotich's top skills
Coaching Leadership Mentoring Consulting Human Resources Leadership Development Program Management Incubator / Accelerator Development Change Management Strategy Talent Management Higher Education Team Building Angel Investing Public Speaking Career Development Start-ups Training Entrepreneurship Organizational Development
George Vukotich's Colleagues
David Carman
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Alan Savage
Paul Gustafson
Strategic Partner - Creating Operational Excellence & Business Planning to drive financial growth
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Alan Savage
FinTank Partner
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Tim Waterloo
Blockchain Meet-ups Coordinator
Chicago, Illinois, United States
George Vukotich has 8 colleagues in total at FinTank. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
Other people named George Vukotich
George Vukotich
Kenosha, Wisconsin, United States
George Nikolas Vukotich
Industrial Hygienist
Washington, District of Columbia, United States
There are 2 other "George Vukotich". You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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