Gerald T

Steel Merchant Lead at Cargill
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LinkedIn: Gerald T.
Location: Singapore
Current employer: Cargill
Current title:
Steel Merchant Lead
Last updated: 21/05/2023 23:51 PM
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Gerald T is from Singapore. Gerald works in the following industries: "Mining & Metals". Gerald is currently Steel Merchant Lead at Cargill, located in Singapore. Gerald also works as Head Steel China & International Trade at Cargill, a job Gerald has held since Oct 2015. In Gerald's previous role as a Steel International Trading Manager at Cargill, Gerald worked in Singapore until Sep 2015. Prior to joining Cargill, Gerald was a Trader - International at Ronly Holdings LTD and held the position of Trader - International. Prior to that, Gerald was a Trading Manager (Middle East) Steel /Ferrous at Cargill, based in Dubai from Jan 2008 to Nov 2010. Gerald started working as Trading Manager (Vietnam) Steel / Ferrous at Cargill in Vietnam in Jan 2006. From Jan 2002 to Jan 2006, Gerald was Trader (South East Asia) Steel/Ferrous at Cargill. Prior to that, Gerald was a Trader at Stemcor from Jan 1998 to Jan 2002.

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Gerald T's current jobs
Company: Cargill
Title: Steel Merchant Lead
Period: Feb 2019 - Present (5 years, 10 months)
Location: Singapore

International Trading, Merchandising Flat & Long Steel

Company: Cargill
Title: Head Steel China & International Trade
Period: Oct 2015 - Present (9 years, 2 months)
Location: Central Singapore
Gerald T's past jobs
Company: Cargill
Title: Steel International Trading Manager
Period: Mar 2012 - Sep 2015 (3 years, 6 months)
Location: Singapore
Company: Ronly Holdings LTD
Title: Trader - International
Period: Nov 2010 - Mar 2012 (1 year, 4 months)

Steel, Iron Ore, Coal, Coke for Asia and Middle East

Company: Cargill
Title: Trading Manager (Middle East) Steel /Ferrous
Period: Jan 2008 - Nov 2010 (2 years, 10 months)
Location: Dubai
Company: Cargill
Title: Trading Manager (Vietnam) Steel / Ferrous
Period: Jan 2006 - Jan 2008 (2 years)
Location: Vietnam
Company: Cargill
Title: Trader (South East Asia) Steel/Ferrous
Period: Jan 2002 - Jan 2006 (4 years)
Company: Stemcor
Title: Trader
Period: Jan 1998 - Jan 2002 (4 years)
Gerald T's education
M Soc. Sci
1999 - 2001
B. Bus
1995 - 1997
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