Gerard T Dolan

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Email: ****@****.***
Location: New York City Metropolitan Area
Current title:
Agency Owner
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:39 AM
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Gerard T Dolan is from New York City Metropolitan Area. Gerard is currently Agency Owner at Dolan Associates Insurance & Financial Services, located in Bayville, New York, United States.

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Gerard T Dolan's current jobs
Title: Agency Owner
Period: Sep 2000 - Present (24 years, 4 months)
Location: Bayville, New York, United States

As an insurance agent and financial representative on Long Island, I serve the insurance needs of small business owners and residents of the Greater New York Metropolitan Area. With 37+ years in the insurance industry, I help my clients identify the insurance coverage that best fits their needs. I also help them plan for a successful financial future. This process is straightforward and personalized to help them make smarter choices about their insurance coverage and their financial plans. I have the knowledge and experience to help them get the most out of their overall financial plan that includes their insurance program--whether that's auto, home, renters, rental property, business insurance, life insurance, and more. I am especially adept at assisting small business owners in securing their valuable assets, enhancing cash flow and planning for a prosperous financial future. I pride myself on being an asset to my clients, and to placing their interests above all others.

Gerard T Dolan's Colleagues
John Dolan
Gerard T Dolan has 1 colleagues in total at Dolan Associates Insurance & Financial Services. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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