Gerhard Nuspl

Head of Research and Development at Johnson Matthey Battery Materials GmbH
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LinkedIn: Gerhard Nuspl
Location: Greater Munich Metropolitan Area
Current employer: Johnson Matthey
Current title:
Head of Research and Development Johnson Matthey Battery Materials GmbH
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:09 AM
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Gerhard Nuspl is from Greater Munich Metropolitan Area. Gerhard works in the following industries: "Research", and "Chemicals". Gerhard is currently Head of Research and Development Johnson Matthey Battery Materials GmbH at Johnson Matthey, located in Moosburg. In Gerhard's previous role as a Head of Research and Development BL Energy Storage at Clariant, Gerhard worked in Munich Area, Germany until Feb 2015. Prior to joining Clariant, Gerhard was a R&D-Manager BL Energy Storage at Clariant and held the position of R&D-Manager BL Energy Storage at Moosburg. Prior to that, Gerhard was a R&D-Manager at Sued-Chemie AG from Mar 2000 to Jun 2012. Gerhard started working as Visiting Scientist at Fukui Institute for Fundamental Chemistry in Dec 1996.

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Gerhard Nuspl's current jobs
Company: Johnson Matthey
Title: Head of Research and Development Johnson Matthey Battery Materials GmbH
Period: Mar 2015 - Present (9 years, 6 months)
Location: Moosburg
Gerhard Nuspl's past jobs
Company: Clariant
Title: Head of Research and Development BL Energy Storage
Period: Jul 2013 - Feb 2015 (1 year, 7 months)
Location: Munich Area, Germany
Company: Clariant
Title: R&D-Manager BL Energy Storage
Period: Jul 2012 - Jun 2013 (11 months)
Location: Moosburg
Company: Sued-Chemie AG
Title: R&D-Manager
Period: Mar 2000 - Jun 2012 (12 years, 3 months)
Title: Visiting Scientist
Period: Dec 1996 - Dec 1997 (1 year)
Gerhard Nuspl's education
MS (Diploma)
1986 - 1992
Ludwig-Maximilians Universität München
1992 - 1996
Gerhard Nuspl's top skills
Engineering Coatings Six Sigma R&D Materials Manufacturing Materials Science Project Management Electrochemistry Product Development Polymers Renewable Energy Energy Start-ups Batteries Chemistry Characterization Program Management Lithium-ion Batteries
Gerhard Nuspl's Colleagues
Ronan Bellabarba
Technology Manager
Barbican, England, United Kingdom
Duncan Emery
Global Operations Director
Barbican, England, United Kingdom
Eugene McKenna
Managing Director Green Hydrogen
Barbican, England, United Kingdom
Christian Günther
Chief Executive, Battery Materials
Barbican, England, United Kingdom
Stuart Urwin-Mann
Global Procurement Director and Head of Direct Materials
Barbican, England, United Kingdom
Gerhard Nuspl has 8K+ colleagues in total at Johnson Matthey. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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