Gian P Zini

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Email: ****i@cz-globaladvisors.com
Location: Salt Lake County, Utah, United States
Current employer:
Current title:
EVP of ESG & Sustainability, Corporate Governance and Investor Relations
Last updated: 14/08/2023 09:47 AM
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Gian P Zini is from Salt Lake County, Utah, United States. Gian is currently EVP of ESG & Sustainability, Corporate Governance and Investor Relations at TradeHelp™ , located in West Hollywood, California, United States.

Gian P Zini can be found on Finalscout.com, where members can access Gian P Zini's email for free. Finalscout is a professional database with more than 500 million business professional profiles and 200 million company profiles.

Gian P Zini's current jobs
Company: TradeHelp™
Title: EVP of ESG & Sustainability, Corporate Governance and Investor Relations
Period: Nov 2022 - Present (2 years, 2 months)
Location: West Hollywood, California, United States

Member of the Board of Directors, Fundraising Committee, and HR & ESO Plan Committee; Responsible for leading conceptualization and implementation of TradeHelp ESG & Sustainability Strategy & Framework, including ESG&S commodity vetting, and related interaction with Platform Members and Strategic Partners, as well as corporate governance, and investor relations functions; co-leading conceptualization, structuring and implementation of the Company’s Stock Option Plan and fundraising and financing strategies, nationally and internationally, within the ecosystems of reference (Agri-Food Systems, Agri-Tech, Agri-Commodities Trade, Agri-Finance, Fin-Tech, ESG & Responsible Investors, Sustainability-Linked Financing). TradeHelp is the world’s first and only, fully integrated B2B trading eco system SaaS Cloud solution for physical Agri commodities and related commercial services trading, providing real-time marketplace for physical Agri commodities and all trade services with a high-tech operating engine for commodity traders and service providers to conduct business with each other. From pre-trade discovery of products and services to e-contracting and deal closing, post-trade execution, delivery of products and services and financial settlement. TradeHelpSM is the full-suite SaaS trading eco system. To find out more about TradeHelpSM and, www.tradehelp.org - Contact: corp@tradehelp.org

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