Gianluigi Zambini

R&D and outsourcing
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Email: ****i@ipcworldwide.com
LinkedIn: Gianluigi Zambini
Location: Cremona, Lombardy, Italy
Current title:
Research and Development Engineer
Last updated: 21/05/2023 23:50 PM
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Gianluigi Zambini is from Cremona, Lombardy, Italy. Gianluigi works in the following industries: "Professional Training & Coaching". Gianluigi is currently Research and Development Engineer at IPC Integrated Professional Cleaning, located in Portogruaro. In Gianluigi's previous role as a Responsabile Tecnico at Faip, Gianluigi worked in Vaiano Cremasco until Oct 2011.

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Gianluigi Zambini's current jobs
Title: Research and Development Engineer
Period: Nov 2013 - Present (11 years, 2 months)
Location: Portogruaro

2015 since today IPC R&D Responsible Outsourcing Manager Responsible of Outosurcing Products ( High Pressure Washer and Vacuum cleaner) 2013 -2015 IPC R&D Responsible Responsible of Outosurcing Products ( High Pressure Washer and Vacuum cleaner) Over 20 years experience on High Pressure Washer Experience on Chinese travel since 2001 Technical Support to Purchasing 2013-2015 IPC Portotecnica R&D responsible for high pressure washer and components Quality office support

Gianluigi Zambini's past jobs
Company: Faip
Title: Responsabile Tecnico
Period: May 2005 - Oct 2011 (6 years, 5 months)
Location: Vaiano Cremasco

2011-2013 Faip R&D and Quality responsible Faip was world leader on high Pressure Washer manufacturing and produced products for costumer like Briggs & Stratton, Bosch, Home Depot

Gianluigi Zambini's education
Politecnico di Milano
Ingegneria Meccanica
Gianluigi Zambini's top skills
Ricerca Project management Outsourcing Viaggi aziendali Ricerca e sviluppo
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