Giedre Stuope

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Location: Lithuania
Current employer: Vivus Finance
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Last updated: 09/10/2023 11:35 AM
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Giedre Stuope is from Lithuania. Giedre is currently CEO at Vivus Finance, located in Kaunas, Kauno, Lithuania. In Giedre's previous role as a Telemarketing specialist/Customer service specialist at Lietuvos draudimas, AB, Giedre worked in until Feb 2008.

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Giedre Stuope's current jobs
Company: Vivus Finance
Title: CEO
Period: Jan 2016 - Present (9 years)
Location: Kaunas, Kauno, Lithuania

The main goal is to develop the consumer lending brand approach, create stable and profitable growth while keeping risk to a minimum, ensure the highest customer service standards, and gain a strong market position. is a part of the 4Finance Group, a global leader in digital consumer finance.

Giedre Stuope's past jobs
Company: Lietuvos draudimas, AB
Title: Telemarketing specialist/Customer service specialist
Period: Sep 2006 - Feb 2008 (1 year, 5 months)
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