Gilad Tisona

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Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:46 AM
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Gilad Tisona is from Israel. Gilad is currently Chairman at Helfy, located in Herzliyya, Tel Aviv, Israel.

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Gilad Tisona's current jobs
Company: Helfy
Title: Chairman
Period: Jan 2019 - Present (6 years)
Location: Herzliyya, Tel Aviv, Israel

During my professional journey, I discovered the huge unsatisfied demand for personalized therapeutical protocols. While founding HELFY, we evaluated the challenges of the health systems and identified patients desire to get the best, fast, available, reliable, accessible and non-biased treatment. Helfy is a fast-growing company that was established to make a positive impact on the wellness and lifestyle of others. We believe that the key for better Wellness goes hand in hand with better healthcare services, so we’ve put it as our main mission to help millions of people worldwide by redefining the way we approach digital healthcare, making it quick, easy, and accessible to everyone online. Starting even before the call, with a data-driven AI system, assessing the patient status and needs, submission of the prescriptions to the affiliated nearby pharmacy and hand delivered to the patient’s door.

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