Glen W

CEO at Nevada Assembly Service (NAS Electronics Manufacturing )
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LinkedIn: Glen W.
Location: 拉斯维加斯地区
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Last updated: 23/09/2024 07:18 AM
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Glen W is from 拉斯维加斯地区. Glen works in the following industries: "Retail", and "Electrical & Electronic Manufacturing". Glen is currently CEO at Nevada Assembly Services (NAS Electronics Manufacturing ), located in Las Vegas, Nevada Area. In Glen's previous role as a General Manager at Duluth International, Glen worked in until Feb 1990. Prior to joining Duluth International, Glen was a Sales Associate at RadioShack and held the position of Sales Associate.

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Glen W's current jobs
Title: CEO
Period: Mar 1990 - Present (34 years, 9 months)
Location: Las Vegas, Nevada Area
Glen W's past jobs
Company: Duluth International
Title: General Manager
Period: Jan 1982 - Feb 1990 (8 years, 1 month)
Company: RadioShack
Title: Sales Associate
Period: Mar 1980 - Mar 1982 (2 years)
Glen W's education
Cypress College标志
Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services
1980 - 1984
Golden West College标志
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
1980 - 1984
Glen W's top skills
Product Development New Business Development
Glen W's Colleagues
Jeffrey Wayne
Chief Executive Officer
Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
Norma Aguirre
Quality Assurance Manager
Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
Kamee Sills
Purchasing Coordinator
Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
Michael Ross
Sales Specialist
Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
Greg Esselstrom
Sales Specialist
Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
Glen W has 12 colleagues in total at Nevada Assembly Services (NAS Electronics Manufacturing ). You can find all of them in FinalScout.
Other people named Glen W
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Senior Database Administrator (Level3)
New York, New York, United States
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Glenn W.
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United States
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