Gloria Boulos

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Email: ****
Location: Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
Current employer: GGravity, LLC.
Current title:
Chief Executive Officer
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:52 AM
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Gloria Boulos is from Las Vegas, Nevada, United States. Gloria is currently Chief Executive Officer at GGravity, LLC., located in Las Vegas, Nevada, United States.

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Gloria Boulos's current jobs
Company: GGravity, LLC.
Title: Chief Executive Officer
Period: Jan 2016 - Present (9 years)
Location: Las Vegas, Nevada, United States

GGravity's deep expertise in the healthcare supply chain is playing an important role in delivering medical supplies and pharmaceuticals to customers and patients. Our mission as your distribution partner is to help you improve the quality of care and service you deliver to patients and customers, and drive better financial results for your business. Our breadth of drug types, accurate and timely delivery, flexibility, packaging options, and reliability are just a few of the reasons to partner with us for your drug distribution needs. Our Locations G-Gravity is a pharmaceutical wholesale and retail pharmacy leader focused on bringing better health to people across Europe, Middle East, the Gulf region, and North Africa. Our solutions have helped pharmacies, manufacturers, hospitals and other health care institutions improve the quality and safety of the care they provide to millions of patients every single day. Our commitment to delivery excellence, order accuracy, and safety enables us to supply branded, generic and over-the-counter. We provide retail chains, independent retail pharmacies, hospitals, health systems, integrated delivery networks, and long-term care providers with supply chain technology, marketing programs, managed care, and repackaging products and services to help them exceed their business goals.

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Gloria Boulos. Ph.D.
Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
Gloria Boulos
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