Grace Cordovano Ph D BCPA

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Email: ****@****.***
Location: New York City Metropolitan Area
Current employer: Enlightening Results, LLC
Current title:
CEO | Board-Certified Patient Advocate
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:28 AM
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Grace Cordovano Ph D BCPA is from New York City Metropolitan Area. Grace is currently CEO | Board-Certified Patient Advocate at Enlightening Results, LLC, located in Caldwell, New Jersey, United States.

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Grace Cordovano Ph D BCPA's current jobs
Title: CEO | Board-Certified Patient Advocate
Period: Jun 2010 - Present (14 years, 7 months)
Location: Caldwell, New Jersey, United States

Grace Cordovano, PhD is dedicated to fostering private, personalized patient advocacy services, specializing in the oncology space. She strategically and empathetically guides her clients through survivorship or end-of-life care, ensuring they are armed with the most pertinent, medically credible, easy to understand information and digital tools so as to make empowered decisions about their care. Grace is a firm believer in the continuous advancement and improvement of cancer patient experiences through the infusion of empathic design and thinking into current healthcare paradigms. A frequent questioner of the status quo, she leaves no stone or process unturned in her quest to improve overall patient experiences across the continuum of patient care. She's motivated to have patient and caregiver stories included throughout the entire healthcare ecosystem and prides herself as a patient voice activator. Additional areas of expertise include collaborative partnerships with academic institutions, clinical healthcare providers, digital health innovators, and pharmaceutical/biotech sectors to promote the patient and carepartner’s voice.

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