Graeme Wong

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Location: Wellington Region, New Zealand
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Jaguar Nominees Limited
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Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:46 AM
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Graeme Wong is from Wellington Region, New Zealand. Graeme is currently Director at Jaguar Nominees Limited. Graeme also works as Director at Areograph limited, a job Graeme has held since Jan 2007. Another title Graeme currently holds is Executive Chairman at Southern Capital Limited/Southern Capital Partners (NZ) Limited. In Graeme's previous role as a Investment Manager at Brierley Investments Limited, Graeme worked in until Jan 1997.

You can find Graeme Wong's email at FinalScout is a professional database with business professional profiles and company profiles.

Graeme Wong's current jobs
Company: Jaguar Nominees Limited
Title: Director
Period: Apr 2007 - Present (17 years, 9 months)

Principal Investor. Also for 10 years (now retired) Non Executive Director, Tourism Holdings Ltd, the largest motorhome and car rentals company in NZ and Australia, listed on the NZX. Chairman and shareholder, Clocktower Games Ltd, has developed new computer and movie animation techniques and launching a computer game in september 08 to showcase the technology. Significantly improves resolution and faster and cheaper to produce. Leading edge.

Company: Areograph limited
Title: Director
Period: Jan 2007 - Present (18 years)

new technology for data capture and play that can substitute for traditional polygon 'animation'

Company: Southern Capital Limited/Southern Capital Partners (NZ) Limited
Title: Executive Chairman
Period: Dec 1997 - Present (27 years, 1 month)

Investment company listed on the NZX, property development, equities,corporate dairy farming. In 2003 purchased Hirequip the largest equipment hire company in NZ with 55 branches throughout NZ. Renamed the company to Hirequip NZ Ltd and later sold the hire business to Private Equity, returning funds to investors April 2007 and delisting. Currently providing strategic investment and transaction advice for investors seeking help in the agri and forestry sectors. Shanghai office with Mandarin speakers.

Graeme Wong's past jobs
Company: Brierley Investments Limited
Title: Investment Manager
Period: Jan 1986 - Jan 1997 (11 years)
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Graeme Wong
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