Graham Brown

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Location: United Kingdom
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ARPAS-UK, The UK Drone Association
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Last updated: 18/04/2024 08:35 AM
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Graham Brown is from United Kingdom. Graham is currently CEO at ARPAS-UK, The UK Drone Association, located in Farnborough, England, United Kingdom.

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Graham Brown's current jobs
Company: ARPAS-UK, The UK Drone Association
Title: CEO
Period: Mar 2018 - Present (6 years, 10 months)
Location: Farnborough, England, United Kingdom

The Association of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems UK (ARPAS-UK) is the UK Drone Association and is a non-profit Trade Association that represents the Drone Industry in the UK. As the Trade Association for commercial Drone organisations and the companies and services that support them ARPAS promotes best practice among its members and the industry at large. As well as promoting best practice, the Association also encourages a culture of collaboration and information sharing so that members are better informed and better prepared to make the most from market opportunities. Promoting our members and the standards we set, enables end users to easily identify the best and most appropriate operators to hire for their specific needs. Since its inception ARPAS-UK has grown to represent key companies operating in the commercial Drone industry, across all sectors. We have also developed relationships with the key stakeholders in Government and provide inputs on regulation and legislation. The current relationships include the CAA, DfT, BEIS, the Drone Industry Action Group, Transport Systems Catapult, and NATS to name a few. We also have working relationships with other associations including the BMFA BALPA, RAeS, Tech UK and many others, where we actively champion co-operation in the interests of growing a safe industry.

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