Greg Neave

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Location: Greater Melbourne Area
Current employer:
R.G. Withers Holdings
Current title:
Chief Executive Officer
Last updated: 02/05/2024 17:55 PM
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Greg Neave is from Greater Melbourne Area. Greg is currently Chief Executive Officer at R.G. Withers Holdings, located in Mount Waverley, Victoria, Australia.

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Greg Neave's current jobs
Company: R.G. Withers Holdings
Title: Chief Executive Officer
Period: Aug 2011 - Present (13 years, 5 months)
Location: Mount Waverley, Victoria, Australia

The Withers family has an extensive retail lineage in Australia, opening their first grocery store in 1913, evolving into wholesale grocery, convenience stores and coffee shops. The 7-Eleven convenience chain and Starbucks Australia business are the core retail assets today. R.G. Withers Holdings is the Family Office and private investment vehicle of the Withers and Barlow families. The Family Office is part boutique fund manager and part professional services firm. Key Responsibilities • Oversee all activities of the family office and private investment operation of the Withers Family including investment allocation and performance, operations, governance, services, and specialised advice. • Manage a core portfolio that pursues an endowment-like approach, investing across numerous asset classes, geographies and liquidity profiles. The long-term strategic asset allocation approach seeks to provide capital preservation and growth (CPI+5%) along with diversification and earnings that are uncorrelated with the Families Australian retail interests. The family office also superintends satellite investment portfolios for its stakeholders, leveraging off its expertise, access and aggregated scale. • Act as a service provider assisting the diverse family office stakeholders with their financial and taxation affairs along with the provision or facilitation of treasury management, corporate secretarial, succession planning and other concierge services including the management of real estate, aviation, maritime and motor vehicle interests. • Director and Responsible Person of the Barlow Foundation, a multi-million dollar foundation that pursues an impact investment approach and whose purpose is to help people help themselves out of disadvantage. • Assess and implement best practice needs of the family office operation

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