Greg Sullivan

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Email: ****
Location: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Current employer:
Inform Global Solutions Pty Ltd
Current title:
CEO and Founder
Last updated: 02/05/2024 13:15 PM
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Greg Sullivan is from Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Greg is currently CEO and Founder at Inform Global Solutions Pty Ltd, located in Brisbane City, Queensland, Australia.

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Greg Sullivan's current jobs
Company: Inform Global Solutions Pty Ltd
Title: CEO and Founder
Period: Feb 2001 - Present (23 years, 11 months)
Location: Brisbane City, Queensland, Australia

IGS is the parent company of: GovP2P - Government Procurement "as-a-Solution" service offerings that challenge the status quo to better support government policy while streamlining the process. NIAM - Non-Invasive Aged Care Monitor IoT Solutions that maintains dignity and supports independent living. LIVELIFE.RUN - A social site to support the older age brackets to get fit - understanding the risks and struggles of returning to frequent exercise. BambooClothingCo - co-Owner of an indigenous sustainable clothing company supporting Queensland communities and in particular DV victims.

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