Gregory Johnson

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Email: ****g@advancedhoustonchiropractor.com
Location: Greater Houston
Current employer:
Advanced Chiropractic Relief LLC
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Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:47 AM
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Gregory Johnson is from Greater Houston. Gregory is currently Owner-Operator at Advanced Chiropractic Relief LLC. In Gregory's previous role as a Group Chief Executive Officer at Austin Chiropractic Rehabilitation Center, Gregory worked in until Nov 1998.

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Gregory Johnson's current jobs
Company: Advanced Chiropractic Relief LLC
Title: Owner-Operator
Period: Jun 2012 - Present (12 years, 7 months)

Your Houston Chiropractor Dr. Gregory Johnson Owner/Operator of Advanced Chiropractic Relief provides individualized Chiropractic Care for people suffering from a variety of neuromusculoskeletal conditions like neck and/or back pain, headaches, scoliosis, upper back pain, pain between the shoulder blades, mid back pain, low back pain, sacroiliac pain, sciatica, herniated disc, bulged disc, cervical and lumbar radiculopathy, extremity pain, i.e. shoulders, elbows, wrist, hands, fingers, hips,thighs, knees, lower legs, ankles, feet and toes. Sports injuries of all kinds. Automobile accident injuries such as whiplash, sprains and strains, post-surgical rehabilitation and headaches due to stress or other factors like subluxation of the occiput, C1(Atlas), C2,(Axis) suboccipital trigger points and trapezius spasm. We also treat the underlying cause of Hiatal Hernia/Acid Reflux/GERD structurally and musculoligamentous. Visit us online at www.AdvancedHoustonChiropractor.com for an appointment.

Gregory Johnson's past jobs
Company: Austin Chiropractic Rehabilitation Center
Title: Group Chief Executive Officer
Period: Mar 1983 - Nov 1998 (15 years, 8 months)
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