Guat Kheng Tan

General Management | Product Management | Channel Management | Market Development | Regional Sales & Marketing
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LinkedIn: Guat-Kheng Tan
Location: Singapore
Current title:
General Manager (Singapore)
Last updated: 14/03/2024 16:24 PM
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Guat Kheng Tan is from Singapore. Guat-Kheng works in the following industries: "Biotechnology Research". Guat-Kheng is currently General Manager (Singapore) at Shimadzu (Asia Pacific) Pte Ltd, located in Singapore, Singapore.

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Guat Kheng Tan's current jobs
Title: General Manager (Singapore)
Period: Jan 2019 - Present (6 years)
Location: Singapore, Singapore

Responsible for driving significant revenue and profit growth through effective management of sales & marketing activities in Singapore. Directly responsible for leading a top line revenue and bottom line operating expenses. Accountable for handling all aspects of sales administration and sales staff planning. Work with product managers and distributors, assists in developing relationships with customers maintaining a professional standard that is consistent with company corporate policy and procedures. Currently 6 direct reports and 1 Brunei distributor. Responsible for all product segments in the Shimadzu Analytical and Measuring Instruments portfolio. Set relevant targets/quotas with local team and distributor and continually monitors performance throughout the year. Work with finance to set annual commission/remuneration plans.

Guat Kheng Tan's education
1993 - 1996
Other people named Guat Kheng Tan
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Financial Consultant
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